Look For The Light

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"AHHHHHHHH" a Crewman screamed as his arm was grabbed by a pale man, he had to watch as multiple people took chunks out of his arm until it fell off and all that was left was a stump, he screamed once more before collapsing to the floor.

"GET HIM BACK, HOLD THE BARRICADE!" Corlys shouted as he grabbed one of his crew and shoved him towards the barricade, it had been less than an hour after the sun had set and they had already lost a couple of people, whatever these creatures were had an inhuman tenacity, Corlys watched as they broke and bloodied their hands trying to get into the building, but what made him shiver the most is how their eyes never left him or Jace.

Corlys looked at Jace who gripped his radiant sword intently, he was surprised at how well Jace was taking their current situation but then again he had been here before Corlys arrived 'He was here alone... with these monsters' he thought to himself. But he was brought out of his thoughts when the banging started to intensity, he ran to a gap in the barricade that allowed him to look out into the streets.

"BRACE THE DOOR!!!" Corlys shouted as an 8ft tall giant of a man charged at the building, he was pale like the rest and intensely muscled. All the crew rushed to the door to try and hold it, even Jace braced himself against it, they were all pushed an inch away when the large man slammed into the barricade. The crew braced themselves back against the barricade only to be pushed back once more, Corlys silently cursed as he grabbed a crossbow from one of his crew that had broken down and sat on the floor crying.

He aimed it out of a small gap in the barricade and he shot at the large man, it was a direct hit and the bolt lodged itself in the large man's shoulder. A sound that was a mix between a screech and a roar erupted from the man as he charged once again.

Jace was terrified, they wouldn't last the night at this rate, if they weren't bracing themselves against the barricade then he did not doubt that the man would be able to dismantle it in one charge. As he braced himself against the barricade he watched as a man next to him was grabbed from the outside by the neck, he almost threw up as the 8ft pale man outside managed to pull him through a small hole in the barricade, completely breaking every bone in the crewman's body and turning his insides into soup.

It only took a few seconds so Jace could do nothing but watch, his breathing became laboured and his fear was starting to get to him. He lifted his sword and screamed as he thrust it through the holes in the barricade, he knew that he made contact as he could hear the screech on the other end.

He did it again and again until his shoulder was grabbed by Corlys "Enough Jace! Focus on holding the barricade" he commanded and Jace obeyed after calming himself down, he'd lost himself to the fear and he knew how bad things could get if he let that happen again.

They managed to hold strong as the pale men bashed and tried to get themselves through, however, the crewmen couldn't take much more of this, ever since they had gotten here they have had to deal with one horror after another, Krakens, wormlike creatures and now these pale men that are capable of ripping a man's arm off with his their teeth "I can't do this! This whole place is fucking cursed!" One of the men said as they stopped bracing the barricade and ran away heading to the steps that led to the higher levels, seeing one of their fellow men give up and run gave other people the courage to do the same.

"Stand your ground!!! We will all die if you do not follow orders!!!" Corlys shouted to the men as he held his back against the barricade, the men knew his words were true yet their fear was in control and what it told them to do was to run away as that was the most likely way they'd live.

One by one the crew ran, having been broken by the horrors in Valyria. Only 10 people including Jace and Corlys remained brave enough to hold the barricade together, though they were barely able to do so, they watched as chunks of the barricade started coming apart and the wood started to creek. Corlys gritted his teeth, he turned around and looked outside through the gap, there were hundreds of the pale figures outside and it seemed their getting in was just an inevitability.

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