Look On My Works, ye Mighty, and Despair!

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Valar was blind, his vision was nought but a field of white, it reminded him of the stories that Daerys told him about the lands that were covered in white sand that would freeze you to the touch, and that men covered in hair roamed the land on their large direwolves that were capable of tearing a horse in half. Valar often wondered if such a land existed, for how could such a place exist when the mighty Dragonlords riding atop their beasts of fire burn all their enemies to cinders.

Valar wasn't concerned for his lack of vision for it never belonged to him in the first place, all of his being from the moment he was born belonged to someone else and if the Dragonlords decreed he no longer have it then his vision would be taken away such was their power, and yet in these few beautiful moments of pure white it allowed him to think of the world Daerys had told him of and imagine that he himself had managed to escape his own existence for even in his dreams he was plagued with visions of fire and blood.

But his fantasy of being in a different world soon came crashing down as his vision cleared and he saw the sun shining across the sky. He didn't know how long it had been since he had seen the sun, he and the others had been kept in the dark for so long that he'd almost forgotten about the ball of fire in the sky, some of the older slaves believed that the Dragonlords didn't come from here and were gods sent from the sun to on top their dragons. Valar wasn't sure whether this was true or not but in the end, it didn't matter if they were gods or not, he and the others belonged to them so they might as well be gods to them.

Valar walked behind the Dragonlord who had taken him from the cell he looked down at the ground as was expected of him, however, he stopped when he saw that the man had turned around "Come now Valar, you do a great service to House Belaerys so today you can walk tall beside me" the Dragonlord said with great enthusiasm.

Valar looked up and saw the handsome man with silver hair smiling "Come I've been told you want to see your friends again? I can make that happen" he said making Valar perk up slightly 'I can see Daerys and the others again... I thought they were gone forever" he thought to himself.

"I can see Daerys again?" He croaked out as his mouth and throat were dry. The Dragonlord snapped his fingers and a slave stepped forward holding a water skin "You must be parched my dear boy, here have some water" he said as the slave offered him the drink. Valar reached out and took it before putting it to his mouth he felt pure bliss feeling the liquid go down his throat, it was one of the few moments he felt alive as water was rare and not to be wasted on those such as them. He drank deeply before pulling the water skin away from his mouth "Thank you Great Dragonlord" Valar said as he struggled to go to one knee.

The Dragonlord chuckled before snapping his fingers once more, Valar felt himself being lifted from the ground by a large slave "No need for such formalities you may call me Lord Balerion" he said before turning back around and looking to one of the other slaves in his entourage "Make sure he doesn't slow us down, drag him if you must but make sure he remains undamaged" he whispered before clapping his hands, a group of slaves brought a large throne made of what looked to be gold and smokey metal he took a seat and then throne which was on a platform was lifted "Let us go we have no time to waste" He said and the slaves and guards accompanying them moved immediately, with the one behind Valar pushing him forward making him almost fall to the ground.

Valar looked ahead and saw the wide busy streets of the majestic Valyrian city but it was mostly busy with slaves a sea of those with hair ranging from black to pale blonde but rarely silver, for it wasn't seemly for a Valyrian Lord who was part of the forty to travel on the ground where the masses were, though this often meant that those without dragons would often never leave the towers they were born in. Even lesser houses often did not travel on the roads and when they did it was in a grandiose manner.

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