Mr .Officer

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Everyone's exhausted from a day of packing, so we sit in a comfortable silence, except for the music playing from the speakers and Amara's humming. 
I glance at Danny, who's giving Leo the dirtiest look ever. 'What are you doing?' I mouth to him. Danny rolls his eyes and looks down at his phone. Asshole.

"I'm hungry" Elijah says, his head laying on Beatrix's shoulder. He's wearing black jogging pants and a royal blue hoodie. "You're always hungry," Danny says coldly, not taking his eyes off whatever he's looking at on his phone. "Okay, no need to be a bitch Dan" Beatrix snaps, she's wearing yellow shorts and a white crop top. "Oh sod off Bea. You're only defending him 'cause you're sleeping with him."

"What the fuck man" Elijah says to him, glaring daggers at the blonde. I pull out my phone, opening the 'phantom driver' app. I tell it to stop at the nearest grocery store. "Danny your clearly in a foul mood, your coming with me to go get snacks so you don't verbally attack anyone else."

"Yeah get him the hell out of here before I throw him out the window" Elijah says, a hint of amusement in his voice. "oh shut up" Danny rolls his eyes, going back to his phone. Ten more minutes go by and the bus stops at a grocery store. I reach into my bag and grab my wallet and stand up. "Okay just text the GC about what you guys want" I say, halfway out the door, Danny following.

We walk through the door and Danny grabs a cart, I stand on the bottom of it and pull myself to sit in the cart. "fucking child." Danny mumbles, but starts pushing. I open the group chat that's now filled with messages

Amara: Strawberries and blue Powerade please

Leo: Powerade? wtf. Why not Gatorade?

Amara: Its cheaper

Beatrix: Bitch your not paying

Amara: Blue Gatorade then

Elijah: BBQ chips and those bottles of Starbucks ice Capps

Beatrix: OMF those are so good, I want one too, actually give me three of them and black licorice

Amara; Bea that's actually disgusting

Beatrix: Shut up Ms. Powerade

Leo: Sour gummy worms, sun chips and mountain dew please

Me: U crazy if you think your not sharing those chips with me little bear

Leo: Ugh

Elijah: Lmfao you're 'little bear' just started blushing like crazy

Leo: No I didn't

Riven: You totally did

Leo: Omg

Riven: Peach gummy's and chocolate milk

Me: Okay thanks, cya in like twenty minutes

I close my phone, and Danny starts wheeling me around the store.

"So what's wrong with you?" I say, picking up a thing of strawberry's and setting them at my feet.



"Seriously, Z, I'm fine, Just tired" He says "Please leave it"

"Alright, sorry"

We get everyone's food, along with my Hot Cheeto's and Sprite, and Danny's Smartfood popcorn and a Monster.

We carry the bags to the Bus, and hand everyone their snacks. Pulling out my phone I tell the Phantom Driver to continue to our hotel in NYC.

"How long till we're there?" Beatrix asks, popping open one of her coffees and taking a sip. I glance at my phone and the ETA. "An hour. Give or take a couple minutes"

"Alright" She says, yawning and taking another big gulp of coffee.

I look over at Amara, who pops a strawberry in her mouth and reaches into her bag and grabs her sleep mask. ''Night guys, wake me up when we're there"

"yes ma'am" I say and she pulls it over her eyes and puts her rose hold headphones on.

15 minutes later, and we hear a siren.

"What is that?" Leo asks, twisting in his seat to look at the back window "Shit its a cop car"

I quickly pull out my phone and launch the Phantom Driver app, Beatrix gets up and goes to sit in the drivers seat, she presses a button on the seat and the steering wheel comes out of the dash. She moves to the side of the road and parks.

I lean in my seat and glance out the window, the cop car comes to a stop behind us, and a tall dark cop starts walking toward us. I move to sit on the side of Danny's seat, and watch Beatrix roll down her window.

"Hi Mr.Officer" She says.

God help me.

"License and registration" he orders, i rummage through my bag and grab the papers, and Beatrix extends her arm to me and I hand it to her,

the cop examines it and hands it back. "Where are you all headed?"

"New York. Going to see a Broadway show" Beatrix says, batting her eyelashes and twirling her hair around her finger.

"Is she seriously flirting with a cop right now?" Riven whispers, and I nod, focusing my attention back to Beatrix.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?"
"No, Mr Officer"
"You were going ten over the speed limit"

"fuck, Z, did you not refresh the app after we merged roads?" Danny spits at me. 

"Was I? I'm sorry, I didn't realize"
"Mhm" He mumbles "I'll let you off with a warning, just this once"
"Thank you"
"The speed limit isn't a suggestion, Okay? Keep an eye on it"
"Yes sir"

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