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"A galaxy divided by war. peaceful worlds must choose sides or face the threat of invasion. Republic and Separatist armies vie for the allegiance of neutral planets. desperate to build a Republic supply base in the system of Toydaria, Jedi Master Yoda and YN LN travel to secret negotiations on a remote neutral moon."

(YN Pov)

I was on abroad a ship with Master Yoda going to meet the Toydarian King as it was him who sent relief supplies as me and Yoda walk in the bridge where an officer is speaking through comms which doesn't seem to be working. 

Clone Officer: *Comm* Toydarain Royal Delegation, this is the Republic Envoy. Please respond. *To Me and Yoda* Generals, the Toydarian's beacon is active on the moon, but all our transmissions are being jammed. 

YN: That's impossible. Keep trying.

Clone Officer: Yes sir. 

Then suddenly a separatist warship comes out of hyperspace and open fires on use as the ship shakes and we try to maneuver away but another warship arrives and we keep getting hit as Master Yoda speaks.

Yoda: Too late it is. Sprung is the trap. 

YN: Trap? The separatist were waiting for us?

Yoda: Yes. 

The ship continues to shake as the officer speaks to us.

Clone Officer: I must get you to safety generals.

YN: You retreat. we have a mission.

Yoda: Agreed. On the moon below is our mission. There we must go. 

I look at the three shock troopers named Jek, Thire and Rys as I say.

I look at the three shock troopers named Jek, Thire and Rys as I say

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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