Battle On Tatooine And Meeting Chancellor Palpatine

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(YN Pov)

I was in the back as I see Ashoka walk in and set the hut on the table as she speaks to me.

Ashoka: Find anything?

YN: No. *Sees medical cabinets.* Seems these haven't been used in a while. 

I push a button and a droid hologram appear's as it sounds like he's asleep as me and Ashoka look at each other as she speaks.

Ashoka: Hey, Dr. Droid, can you hear me?

Dr. Droid: Yes. What seems to be the problem? 

YN: Got a sick Huttlet. You got something to break his fever?

The Hutt is then scanned as the droid speaks again.

Dr. Droid: Oh, yes, I see. You must dispense one of these medical boosters into the infant's mouth. If you have any problems, please call an actual doctor to assist you.

She grabs a pill and says.

Ashoka: I hope this works. 

YN: Good, cause you're doing it. 

Ashoka: Sure. Okay, sweetums. I've got some yum-yum for you. 

She picks the Hutt up and tries to give him the pill but he refuses as Ashoka says.

Ashoka: You'll take this and like it!

She finally gets it in his mouth as he swallows it but then burps releasing a green smelly mist as my helmet form and Ashoka says.

Ashoka: there you go. Good boy.

YN: A very stinky one.

A few minutes later Anakin is trying to fix the ship a little as the Hutt is in the bag as I see his fever broken as She speaks.

Ashoka: The medicine, it's working! His fever broke. I think he's gonna live to stink another day.

Anakin: Great. Keeping him alive wasn't as easy as you hoped, was it?  

Ashoka: Master, if you have taught me one thing, it's that nothing is easy when you are around. You think Rex and Master Obi-Wan made it out okay?

YN: Don't worry, Rex and Obi-wan are strong. So i doubt that battle droids can eliminate them.  

Anakin: YN's right. If I know my old master, he has things well in hand. Now help me with this. I want the primary systems fully repaired by the time we reach tattooine. 

I then help him as Ashoka hand shim a tool as she speaks to him.

Ashoka: You grew up on Tattooine, right. So, for you, this trip is like going home.

Anakin: Yeah. Home. 

I then stare at him a little after the said that but ignore it as i help him fix the ship a little as we exit hyperspace and see a planet that looks like a desert as Anakin speaks.

I then stare at him a little after the said that but ignore it as i help him fix the ship a little as we exit hyperspace and see a planet that looks like a desert as Anakin speaks

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