The Clone Cadets

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"Clone troopers unite! As war wages across the galaxy, the republics clone army strives for victory against the evil forces of the Separatists. Bravery, Valor, Unity, the lifeblood of victory on the battlefield and in space. It all begins on the planet Kamino, where Jedi General Shaak Ti oversees the training of clones, with the help of contracted bounty hunters and YN who sees where clones are being trained. Bred to be perfect soldiers, these Cadets must first be subjected to intense physical and mental training before heading off to war. "

(3rd Pov) 

Currently in a training area  group of clones in training armor are behind cover shooting at training droids as a droid on a turret lays fire on them as one of the Cadets speaks to his teammate.

Currently in a training area  group of clones in training armor are behind cover shooting at training droids as a droid on a turret lays fire on them as one of the Cadets speaks to his teammate

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Clone Cadet 4: You're clear. You're clear. 

A Cadet with a minigun moves up as another Cadet yells.

Clone Cadet 3: Cover fire!

A Cadet with a rifle fires and hits the droid in the tower as it falls and the cadet with the minigun fires taking down multiple droids as a PA system speaks.

PA: This is command. You must break through enemy lines and take the tower.

Clone cadet 3: Comlink just relayed orders from--

Clone Cadet 4:  We all heard the orders, Echo. 

Echo: Stop calling me that. 

Clone cadet 2: Stop repeating every order. 

Clone Cadet 1: Less yapping, more blasting. *Takes down droid targets* Let's smoke these chrome domes and move on to the citadel. 

Echo: CT-782, you're breaking formation. 

CT-782: Just follow my lead, will ya? 

He starts moving forward while holding the trigger on the minigun taking down any droid in his path as Clone Cadet 2 speaks to Echo.

Clone Cadet 2: He's clearing a path. I'm moving. 

He moves up and shoots a practice droid as he makes a hand signal but gets pushed out of the way his teammate from getting hit as they and get up with him saying.

Clone Cadet 2: Thanks, CT-27-5555. That was close.

CT-27-5555: It's Fives. The name is "Fives." 

Fives returns fire as his teammate moves towards them while saying.

Clone Cadet 4: Yeah, five pieces, if you don't keep your head down!

Echo runs to them while saying.

Echo: How about we follow orders? This is our last practice test. 

Fives: Will you shut up with instructions? You're not in charge. 

As the training goes on up top on a balcony area three people are seen watching the training session Jedi master Shaak Ti, and the 2 bounty hunters Bric and El-Les as Shaak Ti speaks. 

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