Escape From Teth

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(YN Pov)

I was still meditating when suddenly the building started shaking a little as I form my helmet and hook Murasama to my waist as Anakin says.

Anakin: That sounded bad.

YN: The droid army must've hacked the door. 

Rd beeps as he shows us a hologram of the monetary as a red dot at a landing pad as Ashoka says.

Ashoka: A backdoor landing platform! 

Anakin: we'll call for a gunship when we get there. Lead the way, R2.

I then look down and see the backpack empty as I kneel down and says.

YN: たわごと!(Shit!) Ashoka, where's the Hutt?

Ashoka: Master, told me to put him down.

Anakin: Find him!

We hear something and look down as we see the Hutt trying to crawl away as I grab him by the tail as he whines and I pull him while saying.

YN: Come out of there, you ugly little slug.

I hold him as Ashoka puts the back on and I put the Hutt in the bag while saying.

YN: Lets see you get away this time.

Anakin's commlink beeps as Rex speak through but something was wrong.

Rex: *Comm* Anakin, come in.

Ashoka: "Anakin?"

Rex: *Comm* We've held the droid, sir. 

Anakin: That's not like Rex.

Rex: What is your location.

Anakin: Ventress.

YN: Who's Ventress?

Anakin: Count Dooku's assassin. I've had a few run-ins with her. 

YN: What's her objective.

Anakin: She's here to kill Hutt. Come on. 

We then follow Anakin as we made it to the landing platform and Anakin is trying to contact Obi-Wan.

Anakin: Skywalker to Obi-Wan. Mark my position. I need a medical ship immediately. Do you copy?

Obi-Wan: *Comms* Anakin. 

He starts messing with his comm's as I Speak.

YN: What's the problem?

Anakin: I can't get a hold of Obi-Wan. I'll see if I can find Captain Rex.  *To Comm* Come in Rex, do you copy? Rex? Do you copy? Captain Rex, respond. 

Rex: *Comm* I read you, General. We're pinned down in the courtyard. 

Anakin: *Comm* Do you need help?

We hear blaster fire as Anakin says.

Anakin: I'll take that as a yes, Captain. Stand by, we're on our way, Skywalker out. 

Ashoka: Master, Stinky is really sick. He's turning every shade of green except the one he's supposed to be! Our mission was to get him back to Tattooine alive. 

YN: Your right Ashoka. But the Droid army is making it difficult to make our mission complete. 

Anakin: He's right. Obi-Wan will get eventually. Right now, we Rex to help us find a ship. 

We hear rolling and look and see droideka's as Ashoka says.

Ashoka: Great. Rolling death balls.

They stop rolling and activate their shields as they fire on us and Ashoka and Anakin use their lightsabers the deflect the bolts as I do the same and I yell at R2 saying.

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