chapter 11

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Aadvika (pov)
As I slowly moved my head to see that person face from his chest to his face and it's none other than "suyodhana" after seeing his face I gave him a silly smile but I now only noticed that how tall he is after noticing I forgot that I was close near to him so I distance myself After that he was going to ask me something but his eyes went to nakul and he asked

Suyodhana : what are you doing here?

Nakul: nothing I was just sight seeing the place

Suyodhana: but I think it wasn't true and am I right rajkumari?

My eyes see his and his eyebrow narrowed me for my answer. I felt like I'm being caught red handed by him but we didn't do anything wrong then why he is acting like that

Aadvika: yes what he said was wrong and we both were running Is that enough rajkumar?

For sometime he was totally silenced thinking about something deeply after few mins later he said

Suyodhana: ok

Aadvika: rajkumar can you just move aside so we can start the game again it

As I said he slowly started to move with a long face but stopped in his tracks and came near me and pulled me by holding my wrist he started to run by dragging me

Aadvika: what are you doing rajkumar

Suyodhana: ahem.. I want to show you something

Aadvika: but we can see it afterwards naah even I didn't said bye to nakul

Suyodhana: you can say it afterwards to him he won't go anywhere

Aadvika: whatever

After being dragging by him he stopped near the garden and he showed me different types of tress and after I see mango trees I went near to it running like a crazy person and I hugged the tree he smiled at my antics and asked

Suyodhana: do you want to eat it

I nooded my head as" yes"

Suyodhana: then I will climb and bring it for you

Aadvika: no don't I will climb

I actually have a desired to climb a tree by myself so I wanted to do it

Suyodhana: no it's fine I will climb the tree for you

Aadvika: no i said I will do it

As I said I started to climb the tree carefully and I took five to six mangoes and I said to him

Aadvika: if I fall from here then hold me rajkumar suyodhana

Suyodhana: hmm

Slowly I got from the tree only two steps is left to be in the ground so when I kept my leg on that tree my leg got slipped eventually I fall down at the correct time he hold me firmly near my waist and his chest is near to mine I slowly saw his chest unknowingly my hands went near it and caressed it . I turned my head from his chest to see his face he narrowed his eyes signalling "what you're doing" so my eyes went where he signalled only to notice my hand near his chest caressing it that's the moment I realised what I did . My face flushed in embarassment and I see him blushing like anything

To forget the tension between us I asked him

Aadvika: how about we sit near a tree and have it

He just nodded his head

We both finally sit near the tree and we both started to have it

Aadvika: OMG this is so good I would eat this all day if I get a chance

Suyodhana: yeah it is really good and I know it

Aadvika: how many years is this trees are here ?

Suyodhana: I think before I born itself it have been here it seems

Aadvika: that's cool..

So after after eating and having a chit chat I got up from the place as I'm stood up from the place I noticed that he didn't get up from his place so I asked him

Aadvika: why you aren't getting up ?

Suyodhana: I'm tired

Aadvika: haha really I was the one who should say it not you mister because I'm the one who climbed the tree you remember it ?

Suyodhana: yeah I know but even I'm tired so stay here aadvi

Aadvika: only for few mins and after that you should get up

Suyodhana: fine... Now sit down

As I said I sit on the ground again near him but wait a min doesn't he called me as "aadvi" now

Aadvika: you called me as aadvi ?

Suyodhana: ahem yeah shouldn't I call you like that ?

Aadvika: no it's totally fine so now can we go inside of the palace

Suyodhana: hmm yeah

As I gave my hand to him I thought he will get up by holding my hand but he pulled me with him and I landed on him I was so close even I felt like I can hear his heartbeat also mine .My breathe got to be heavy as I felt like I couldn't able to breathe properly his one hand was firmly holding my waist and other one was near my face. We both were having a eye contact briefly and his one hand went near to my face and he pushed my hair strands slowly at the back of my ear after few mins we heard a sound of voices so we both got separated from each other

That voices are none other than dushasana and karn they both got shocked seeing aadvi and suyodhana together at this night time so before suyodhana was going to saying something dushasana asked

Dushasana: bharatshree what are you doing here at this time and we were searching for you to have dinner

Suyodhana : ahem it's nothing I was showing her the place as she asked me before

After he said I just nodded my head saying it's true

Karn: are you fine rajkumari?

Aadvika: yeah I'm fine

I don't know why I'm blushing after being caught red handed by them but I didn't do anything am I right? We were only close to eachother nothing has happened but wait if they both didn't arrived here I might have kissed him because of the closeness between us I think I would have done it wtf I'm thinking about or what if more happened between me and him ? Aishh It won't happen like that naah ? I sighed heavily thinking about it

But aadvi and suyodhana doesn't know that two persons is already watching them from far

Hey guys so how is this Chapter and I think aadvi is afraid of getting attached to suyodhana 😁and tell me your views and show your love and support to this story and also who is the persons who was seeing aadvi and suyodhana from the far any guess?❤️✨

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