chapter 7

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Author (pov)
As aadvika was laying in her bed by seeing the walls thinking about her new life she was deeply thinking about it suddenly she felt like someone is calling her so she zoomed out from her thought to meet dushala so she asked

Aadvika: huh why are you here dushala ?

Dushala:how much time should I have to call you and I came here because mata is calling you to come to the Pooja for Lord Shiva

Aadvika: now ?

Dushala: yeah what happened

Aadvika: nah it's nothing

As she said dushala pulled her
From the bed and dragged her after few mins they reached the place where the Pooja is going to happen as they both went inside everyone wasn't presented there so dushala and aadvika went near gandhari and dushala asked

Dushala:mata do you need any help for this Pooja

Gandhari: huh can you both go and take come flowers from the garden

Dushala : yes mata

Gandhari: I'm sorry aadvika Because I'm making you to take and come the flowers actually the dasis are doing other works

Aadvika: no it's fine maharani you are like my mother to me so I will follow it and pls you are making me feel like I'm a third person to you

Gandhari lost her words and she didn't know what to say to her and she was totally freezed in her position

Aadvika: maharani did I say something wrong

Gandhari: no putri you aren't actually Im shocked when you suddenly said that "I'm like your mother" and if you think me as your mother then why are you calling me as maharani

Aadvika smiled at her last word

Aadvika: then can I call you as maa

Gandhari: yeah putri

Aadvika was really happy because she don't know why she likes gandhari and even gandhari too

Dushala : hey I'm here too but you both totally forgot that I exist here

Aadvika and gandhari stared to laugh at dushala few minutes later their both went to the garden after picking up some flowers they both were coming in the hallway and dushala was going first when she was going slowly she thought that aadvika would follow her way but she turned and saw her fumbling with her lehanga so she went near to her

Dushala: what happened aadvi

Aadvika: huh? This lehanga is so long and it's tripping me to fall actually I would have fall because of it

Dushala: then put some flowers in this basket of mine

Aadvika: no, it's fine I will handle it

Dushala: are you sure?

Aadvika : yeah

So dushala started to walk but still aadvika was fumbling with her steps so her focus was only in her steps as she was so focused in the ground there was a person who slightly pushed her little and that's the moment when she lost balanced and she was about to fell in the ground so she tightly closed her eyes but she didn't feel the pain in her body because she felt like someone is holding her waist so she slowly open her eyes to meet a brown eyes of his she don't know that she completely lost in his eyes

Even suyodhana was completely lost in hers so he was holding her after few seconds at the same time dushsana was searching for suyodhana and he finally see him holding aadvika and saw that they both are having a eye contact so he didn't went to call him .he was watching them from far but after few minutes he was so bored to see them having an eye contact for long time without even blinking their eyes so he went to call suyodhana that's when their eye contact got cut off as it was awkward to see each other more to it dushsana came and said

Dushsana: what are you doing here bhartashree I'm searching for you in the whole palace

Suyodhana: huh? I thought of going to my chamber

Dushsana: then why you are here

Dushsana was asking it by giving his smirk even suyodhana noticed it

Suyodhana: I was about to go but you called me in the middle

Dushsana wasn't happy with this reply of his brother so he was about to ask something again but aadvika cleared her throat to indicating her presence there

Dushsana: pranipat rajkumari aadvika,I'm rajkumar dushsana and this is rajkumar suyodhana

Aadvika: pranipat rajkumars of hastinapur and thanks rajkumar suyodhana for protecting me

Suyodhana: no, it's fine I did it because I have to do it

That's it again it's completely silent so aadvika went from there

Aadvika went to the place where the Pooja is going to happen and she gave the flowers to dushala and dushala asked about why she is late but aadvika didn't said anything .The Pooja started every royal people are present there  and aadvika went near subhadra and aarika and she totally confused why her eyes lost in his and suddenly her eyes started to search for him

That's when he came to the Pooja area. he also see her and give her a wink aadvika was taken back by his actions and she unknowingly smiled but her mind got struck that why she smiled when he winked at her so she scolded herself and started to do the Pooja

After few minutes the Pooja got over and everyone was about to go that's when pitamah said

Pitamah: everyone be present in the area where the kala pradarshan is going to happen in few mins

Aadvika and aarika got really excited to see it in real

Hy cutie pie I know it's been a long day and I'm really sorry that I couldn't able to update properly but after 25 March I will be updating daily and thanks for your support and love for this story

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