chapter 8

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Aadvika (pov)
The kala pradarshan is going to start so every royal people were sitting in a other place which has the clear view compared to the normal people place and Im really excited to see Pandavas so I was waiting impatiently to see them fighting with Kauravas

when guru dronacharya came to the arena everyone became silent and he said

Dronacharya : I'm pleased to have everyone here in this place and now the rajkumars of hastinapur will come here to show their skills by fighting with one and another before that here is my son ashwattham he will narrow the arrow in that board of wheel which has written rajkumars names in it and when the arrow landed in the names of the rajkumar will fight with another one

As he said everyone started to clap their hands off and when ashwattham Arrow landed in suyodhana name that's the moment he entered the place like breaking the floor

On that time my eyes glanced through his biceps and his well built body after seeing it. I badly wanted to touch it but I can't do it so i controlled myself from thinking about naughty things as I was seeing the place where yudhishthir entered I already know in this fight suyodhana will be wining as I said after few minutes yudhishthir defeated next this stupid nakul came to fight with him. he also defeated by suyodhana I don't that he has a big mouth to tease me but he didn't win. After this nakul defeat sahadev was also defeated

Then I internally smiled when a idea came to my mind to piss off nakul and I will excute it when the time is near so again when I see the match between bheem and suyodhana actually bheem would have won this game but he didn't win. Again suyodhana win this match but last Arjun came to fight with him and he took his arrow narrowed it to suyo and he made suyo to froze with his arrow and suyo was totally stuck with it and he loss the game

Everyone started to praise Arjun as he won the match but when Arjun came to rescue suyodhana but before he tried to rescue another arrow came and rescued him that's none another "karn"

After Karn's entry I totally got bored cause he was saying so many things in paragraph I was literally yawning and i felt like to sleep but I didn't then I thought to chit chat with my sisters so I glanced over to them nothing to say about subhadra didi because she is already drooling over Arjun and about aarika didi she was seeing behind and was smiling at someone I was so confused who might be that. I turned my head to see a guy standing a little far but his eyes are totally into aarika Even she is blushing brightly. I really don't know what is going between these two girls also I have to find about that guy who is seeing aarika didi then I turned my head to see dushala eyes were on the arena place watching what is happening there so I asked her

Aadvika: why are you seeing there so curiously I actually don't understand this

Dushala: just see there aadvi and don't talk now

I again see the commotion going in the place that's when suyodhana said that" I'm considering karn as my friend and I would give him a throne so now he can fight with Arjun right?" as he said everyone started to praise Arjun and Karn's and I really don't know why they started to praise them? they should praise suyo only because he deserves it for supporting karn so I stand up from my place and I went a little forward and I said

Aadvika: "why don't we praise the name of rajkumar suyodhana for being kind and also for supporting karn"

After i said everyone started to say his name that's when suyo was seeing me from the down of the arena place and he smiled at me and I just reciprocal it the same. As I turned to sit in my place I noticed that some were confused and other some were shocked by what I did few mins back even shakuni was thinking cunning things in his mind I guessed it by looking at his face and the smile he is giving me i just ignored him and went to sit with my sisters then aarika asked me

Aarika: why you suddenly went there and said it?

Aadvika : I don't know i think he deserves it so i did

That's it aarika was silent I again focused on the fight which is going between karn and Arjun . Arjun's arrow went near karn chest that's the moment his shield revealed I widden my eyes i turned to see kunti maa as she fainted so I fastly went to hold her. Aarika, subhadra didi and dushala came with me but suddenly subhadra didi said me to stay where the kala pradarshan is happening I refused to go there but she insisted me to go and sit in my place so I obeyed her words I went to my place

Later on the kala pradarshan was over. I went to see kunti maa in her chamber to see everyone was already presented there I went to subhadra and asked her

Aadvika: how she is now and it is not big matter naah

Subhadra: yeah she is totally fine now, nothing to worry


Next minute Pandavas entered the chamber everyone except them
went outside of the chamber to give them a time to talk with their mother

So finally i have updated if I finished another chapter I would be updating today itself but if not today tommorow I might update so guys give your love and support to this story 💗✨

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