第九章 (Chapter Nine)

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Shit. I knew I heard someone, but I didn't think it was Lan Zhan. I recognized the sound of his breathing and the metal. Great. I thought I had disappeared enough. I should've guessed that he would keep searching for me. This is a bad coincidence. Curse my fate. I hear him jump over. I grip the stick.

"Wei Ying?" I hear him asks.

"How long did it take you to find me?" I ask.

"Wei Ying, it's been a month." He says.

"Of course." I let out a scoff.

"Wei Ying, show me your face." He says.

"You will not like what you see." I say.

He grabs my arm.  

"Please let go." I say.

"Wei Ying. Are you truly wearing a mask?" He asks.

I let out a breath. No point in trying to hide this. I turn. I can only guess that his eyes are wide. He touches my mask. I draw back. This is one of the worst things that could happen to me. I'm so glad he's alone. If Yanli or Jiang Cheng saw this, I shudder what would happen. I feel so nervous now. I grip my mask. My stick shakes.

"Wei Ying, what happened to your eyes?" He asks.

"They were stolen from me." I answer. 

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