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Christabel's POV

I woke up feeling extremely tired. A late-night binge of Netflix shows led me to oversleep, making me rush through my morning routine.

“Christabel, you are very late for school,” Blessing said, helping me pack my books.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, quickly organizing my bag.

“Don’t forget to eat something,” Blessing reminded me.

I hurriedly grabbed two slices of bread, bid Blessing goodbye, and rushed to the car.


I hurried to class, not wanting to be late for the lectures. Luckily, the teacher hadn't arrived yet.

I remembered the math homework Mr. Okan assigned yesterday and started working on it. My private tutor insists on updated notes and assignments, so I couldn't neglect it. Just as I finished, Mr. Okan walked in, unaware of the assignment.

“Excuse me, sir,” I spoke up, drawing everyone's attention.

Mr. Okan thanked me for reminding him, and the class grumbled as they realized the consequences of not completing the assignment.


During break time, I sat in the school garden with my headphones on, enjoying some music. Unnoticed by me, Belinda and her friends approached.

“Hey,” Belinda said sharply, startling me as she poured water over my head.

“This is for speaking out in class,Next time you will learn how to keep your dirty mouth shut when you are not asked to speak” Belinda sneered, her tone cutting.

Laughter erupted around us as Belinda and her friends walked away, leaving me embarrassed and confused.

The incident led to a confrontation in the principal's office, where Belinda apologized under Mrs. Benita's stern gaze.

“This behavior is unacceptable,” Mrs. Benita reprimanded Belinda, emphasizing respect and proper conduct.

Belinda, although reluctant, apologized to me as well before leaving the office.

Feeling upset, I went to the washroom to clean up when I met the new girl from my class, who scolded me for not standing up to Belinda.

“Shame on you,” the girl said angrily, folding her arms with a serious look on her face.

I was wondering why she said that to me.

“In fact, you are a disgrace for letting your own age mate and classmate run her mouth on you,” she added before storming out, leaving me in a very confused state.

If you where in Christabel shoes what would you do to Belinda?


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