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Christabel's POV

The alarm clock rang, and I removed my blanket, letting out a yawn. Today marked the first day of resumption and a very special day - my birthday.

Because it's my birthday.

Quickly getting up, I walked to the hallway. Mum and Dad must be ready by now since they always wake up early due to work. Both of my parents are entrepreneurs, running very successful businesses separately.

“Mum, Dad!” I shouted, but there was no response. So, I went downstairs in search of them, but they were nowhere to be found.

Maybe they left.

My parents are always busy; they seem to have no time for me, which is sad and annoying.

I walked into the kitchen with a frown on my face. Blessing, our house help, was cooking. When she saw me, a smile brightened her face.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Christabel, happy birthday to you,” Blessing sang as she walked towards me, giving me a soft hug.

The only person who seems to care about me is Blessing; she's like an older sister to me. Blessing has been taking care of me since I was a baby.

“What's wrong? Why do you look sad?” Blessing asked.

“My parents don't seem to care about me. They left without even wishing me a happy birthday,” I said sadly.

Blessing smiled reassuringly.

“They love you very much, that's why they are trying their best to take care of you,” Blessing said.

“Oh, please stop making excuses for them,” I replied angrily.

“Your dad left for a business trip in the evening, while your mom went to Canada for a business trip. So, it's just you and me today. I promise we are going to have so much fun,” Blessing said playfully.

Though I was still sad, it was nice to hear that we would have a good time together.

“Come on, I made your favorite chocolate cake,” Blessing said, bringing a smile to my face.

“But first, you have to take a bath and get ready for school,” Blessing added.

“Sure, I will,” I said and went upstairs to my room to get ready.


I finally arrived at school, walking down the bustling hallway filled with students gathered around class term boards, each displaying the top five students with the highest scores.

I didn't bother to check since I knew my name wouldn't be among the top achievers.

Making my way to class with my headphones on, I sat down and started reading a novel.

I've always been on my own, avoiding making friends to steer clear of drama. Everyone thinks I'm weird and a loner, but I just prefer solitude.

Soon, our form teacher, Miss Ore, walked in.

“Good day, class,” she greeted, and the class chorused back.

“It's your first term in SS3, a new beginning of another stage and a class you should take seriously and never play with,” she emphasized.

“Yes, ma'am,” the class chorused back.

“Daniel, where is Benjamin?” Miss Ore asked, scanning the room.

Lost in my book, I didn't notice Belinda Carsel, the school's popular girl and drama club leader, talking to me until her sharp words hit me.

“Take your dumb body off my chair, you weirdo!” she shouted, leaving me shocked. I quickly stood up from the chair and found another place to sit.

Belinda's presence always intimidated me. She was intelligent, beautiful, and the leader of the drama club.

Glancing at Daniel, who was chatting with friends, I couldn't help but admire his looks and intellect.

Daniel is very smart and has won numerous educational awards for the school, not to mention he's the best soccer player. All the girls have a crush on him.

I didn't realize I was staring until he caught me, prompting me to quickly avert my gaze, landing on an unfamiliar face - a fair and beautiful girl who seemed new.

Soon, Mr. Mark, our physics teacher, came in, signaling the continuation of the day's lessons.


During break time, as I returned from getting a Pepsi, I accidentally bumped into a solid chest, causing the Pepsi in my hands to almost spill.

“Sorry,” a very familiar voice said.

It was Daniel, apologizing for my mistake and even picking up the Pepsi for me.

I took it silently and went back to class without uttering a word.


Hi guys 👋

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My Crush My WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora