The Price I Had To Pay for My Curiosity.

Start from the beginning

"How did she escape?" one of them asked, sighing in relief.

At first, they thought I'm one of the captured ladies in the container before they saw my big belly and became confused about who I am and where I'm coming from.

"Please don't kill me!" I cried out aloud, begging with my hands clasped together.

"Bring her here," Nkem, who was attempting to run away, uttered with so much relief in his tone, dropping his luggage down.

"Bariselle!" Nkem called out my name, puzzled, with his voice barely audible.

"Leave her alone," he ordered the two guys who were holding my hands, dragging me to move.

My heart pounded at the back of my chest upon looking Nkem in the eyes, as if he's not the man who left me this evening. He looked like the devil himself at the moment.

"You are evil," I uttered out in fury amidst fright.

"Hmm," Nkem chuckled, glancing at me devilishly. "If I were you, I wouldn't do that," he muttered with a cold but calm tone, taking a step closer to me.

"I've always known something wasn't right about you. You are such a musta..."


The next thing I heard was a hot slap on my face that made me lose my consciousness, and I didn't realize what happened again.

"Where am I?"

I jumped up promptly as I regained my consciousness, realizing my hands were tied together with glue on my lips.

Rotating my gaze to scan the environment, I saw Nkem sitting on a sofa by my right, with his two hands clasped together under his chin.

He was looking at me with such an evil eye that frightened me even more, causing a shiver to run through my spine.

I was lying on a small mattress in a cozy room designed with lots of scary furniture that terrified me even more.

"Why were you stalking me?" he asked with a deep bass voice, making me shiver even more.

"I'm sorry," I pleaded as tears started running down my chin out of fear.

"You are sorry?" Nkem repeated after me as he rose up slowly from where he was seated, walking towards me slowly.

"I see you are smarter than I thought," he lowered his tone as he sat beside me, placing his hands on my baby bump. "But sometimes, being too smart sends people to an untimely grave, because just like they say, what you don't know doesn't know you, but what you know will always come hunting for you."

"That's one of the reasons why I hate being smart because I like staying innocent," he spoke into my ears, pouring his breath into them, making each word he said echo in my ears as if it's awakening my inner turmoil.

"What you don't know can never hunt you, because it has no business with you, but what you know will always come hunting. It's just like fear; you are only afraid of what you know. You aren't afraid of what you don't know, not because it's not scary, but because you don't know it. And for that reason, whatever could trigger your fear at that point in time stays silent."

I closed my eyes tightly as tears kept streaming down ceaselessly.

"I'm sorry," I whispered with such a low tone that hardly passed through my lips.

"Yeah, I knew you would be sorry as soon as you woke up. That's why I decided to sit down here and watch you sleep with my child in you. Besides, you looked more beautiful when you sleep."

"Nkem, please, I promise to keep it a secret, just let me go," I gazed into his eyes, begging passionately.

"You don't need to be too scared. I would have killed you since last night if I wanted to, but I won't because you are carrying my child.

I've lost my wife and child died five years ago because of this business, and I'm not going to let it happen again. I deserve a gleam of happiness too, right?"

My tears ceased at the mention of his wife and kids, and my heart raced in wonder.

"Wait, does this mean he has been married before? And I'm just hearing it for the first time? And I'm sure my father doesn't know about it as well. I hate you, father," I muttered in my thoughts. "How could you force such a monster on me because of material things? Why do you hate me so much?" Another drop of tear streamed down my chin as my heart hurt so badly as if someone had just set it on fire.

"Or don't I deserve to be happy?" Nkem asked, glancing at me with an evil smirk on his face.

I was crying uncontrollably. I tried to gaze at him, but my eyeballs rolled away as soon as my eyes met his gaze.

"It's okay, my love," he reached his hands to my face, wiping away my tears.

"I'm keeping you alive until the day you choose to expose my secrets," he said with an evil smile on his face as he slowly gestured his hands to my stomach after wiping my ceaseless tears. The feeling of his hands irritated me even more.

"The truth is, this pregnancy saved your life. I could have killed you last night, but I want my baby to live.

The baby doesn't deserve to die because of your over-courage, right?"

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