Chapter 1

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"Charlotte! I'm so glad you're here." My glowing younger sister exclaimed rushing away from her friends. Her light brown hair cascaded down her shoulder flowing around her sundress. She embraced me in a tight hug with her protruding stomach in between us.

This was Sarah's long awaited baby shower as we all eagerly awaited for their first child. The party was lively and filled with chatter coming from all sorts of directions.

"I wouldn't miss this for anything." I replied honestly. No matter how different we've always been, we were close. As close as we could be with our differing lives.

She lived in the quiet suburbs whereas Eric and I lived in a penthouse in upstate New York. I never cared for the quiet or the quiet stillness of this kind of life. I thrived on not staying still for too long and doing anything to keep my head from its constant rambling thoughts. I've always needed to keep myself busy.

"I'm just annoyed that Clayton couldn't come. I told him I would pay for his plane ticket but he said he was busy helping mom around the farm." My sister rolled her eyes in distaste.

"Nice to see you too, Eric. I'm glad you were able to make it." My sister said to Eric, my husband. His rough hand was wrapped around my small waist as he looked around the party.

"It'll probably not be for very long I'm afraid." Eric began. "I'm on call tonight and they're bound to need me at some point." He smiled as my sister fought a frown. "Oh, alright. I understand. At least you were able to come anyway. It's nice to see you even with your busy schedules. Tommy will be so happy."

Giving my husband a small glance silently pleading for him to at least attempt pleasantries while we're here. I just about dragged him to my sister's event. He was intent on staying at the hospital where 'he was needed the most'.

"Of course." He gave a half smile as he pulled away from me. It was clear to anyone with eyes that he didn't want nor did he belong in a party like this.

Eric wore a tailored shirt and slacks that fit him perfectly, his dark blonde hair was styled neatly. Whereas everyone else here dressed in casual denim jeans and the women wore skirts and dresses to combat the summer heat.

"I'm going to say hello to Tom." Eric excused himself as I watched him greet Sarah's husband and friends outside on the lawn.

Her husband, Tom, was outside surrounded by men as he served burgers and hot dogs to the guests. "Men." She huffed as we watched them laugh and mingle around the grill. I chuckled as we wandered onto her porch.

"All I seem to be craving is meat. Until I got pregnant I was a devoted vegetarian." She expressed frustration. "I remember." I smiled as she continued to talk and eat with mustard on the corner of her mouth.

"Tom says it means that we're having a boy," She laughed. "Either way he's thrilled about it and now he has an excuse to buy that ridiculously expensive grill he's been wanting." My sister said eating her macaroni salad and hot dog.

"He's really in his element." We watched them lovingly as sweat grew on Tom's face. Eric chatted with a few men before he excused himself to answer his phone. "This is a lovely party, Sarah. I'm glad to see mom's rose bushes are growing rapidly."

"Almost as much as I am." She groaned holding her stomach making me laugh. I couldn't help the slight sharp pang of jealousy I felt towards my kind sister. Having children was always something I wanted. But now with Eric and I's careers it was difficult to find the time.

Eric and I talked about it often but the conversation always ended the same. "We are great as we are now. We shouldn't add a child to our life to crank our style. There's so much war and violence in the world. Why would we bring a child into this?"

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