Chapter 2

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Crookedkit, I'm busy, I gotta go train with Rainstar and Floodmurk..." Quietpaw trotted off to the Big log that went through the bramble wall around camp and walked into the forest, out of sight. Quietpaw had never been able to play with Crookedkit since she had been made an apprentice a moon ago, and that deeply saddened him. a while later, while Crookedkit had been lazing off in the nursery, Quietpaw had come back with a mouth full of big red berries! she rushed into the medicine den, and Crookedkit heard a scream. What happened to Quietpaw?! Crookedkit worried. Just then, a call came from the Treerock "All cats old enough to climb and see the rising sun, gather beneath the treerock for a Clan meeting." Crookedkit, Quietpaw and all the other cats came to the call. Leader: (Kit), you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Crookedpaw. Your mentor will be Magpiedazzle. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." Magpiedazzle slowly walked forward, eager to receive her first apprentice. "Mapiedazzle, you are ready to take on an apprentice, and you have shown yourself to be swift and skilled in hunting. You will be the mentor of Crookedpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." Just as the sun began to set, Magpiedazzle called Crookedpaw to ask if he wanted to watch the sun set, so they set their paws out of camp and walked to find a suitable tree. When they had found one, Crookdpaw extended her long claws and dug them into the soft tree bark. she removed and placed them until she was at the top of the tree, watching the dandelion yellow sun set beneath the horizon.

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