Chapter 3

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The grass and leaves were rustling as Crookedpaw crept across the forest floor.She was hunting a small mouse, and after she pounced on it, she swiftly ended its life with a bite to the neck. a couple moons had passed since she had been made an apprentice, and she had progressed quickly. Her mentor told her that she was very skilled at hunting, but she could improve her fighting techniques. as the patrol headed back to camp, Crookedpaw saw Quietpaw creeping up to him "Hey, want to go out together? I've got some time off!" "Quietpaw, I'd love to!" Crookedpaw replied excitedly. "Right now?" "Yep!" The two ran off, giggling, through the log, and darted around through the forest, playing, chasing each other and having so much fun. By the time they got back, the sun was setting and the two tired apprentices walked off into the apprentice's den, all tired out. "Goodnight," Quietpaw whispered to Crookdkit, who was already fast asleep.

"CROOKEDPAW!"Magpiedazzle shouted. "Wake up for StarClan's sake! It's past dawn!" It struck Crookedpaw I'm on Dawn Patrol! She quickly got up and darted to the log, where Fallingshade and Floodmurk were waiting. the four of them walked toward Shadow River, the border, and saw the shadow of a school of fish beneath the clear blue surface. Crookedpaw walked up to the edge and darted a paw into the water. She had caught a fish! as the rest of the patrol fished, they chattered contently. when they where done, they walked back to camp, everyone with a fishy mouthful.

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