1212 Summonings

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Now, I'm sure most, if not all of you have either done or looked at creepypasta summonings. I'll be discussing the few that I did and what happened after I did them. I will make a part two whenever I do these summonings again.

--- Slenderman's.

Now, I've done three Slenderman summonings, all with the same method. I don't live next to or even near a forest or wooded areas (I live in the middle of nowhere) so I couldn't do that one. I've done the mirror method, I'll list what happened afterwards.

My first time. (ew)

I did the classic mirror summoning, besides a small noise (Which could've been the wind), nothing happened. I eventually got tired of doing it (I did it twice that same night) and stopped, brushing my teeth and getting out of the bathroom. There wasn't anything weird, no weird dreams, no weird noises, whatever.

2nd time.

I genuinely was tired asf during this one (As I had randomly woken up at 2AM and just wanted to do a summoning for some random reason) so this probably couldn't be the most authentic summoning(?). I remember the lights flickering a little bit and if I was looking at something through the mirror (Staring at it) it would move and shake, (I do suffer from these hallucinations a lot, especially when I'm tired though). Plus I remember feeling a lot more drowsy and light-headed then I normally do, so this'll be a semi-successful-ish summoning, at least in my eyes. Didn't care about the 'Hey, don't go in the bathroom until 13 hours have past' and brushed my teeth maybe 4 hours later. Good enough, Right?


I was entirely awake and (again) had the urge to do a summoning, got on a few subliminals and tried to focus on doing affirmations in my mind before going up to the bathroom to do the actual summoning. I did the summoning and not much happened, same stuff as before, but when I blinked I got a small flash of a figure in the mirror. So.


I was lazy with my Jeff the Killer one, so, this one will be really short, and I mean really short. I literally read a summoning on Wattpad from 2017 (😭) and just placed a knife under my pillow and Infront of my closet door and fell asleep to a 'summon jtk' subliminal. Nothing happened (That I know of) other than the fact that I got a silly creepypasta related dream.

Anyway, I'll leave it right here, I feel like I've been rambling a lot. I think to keep a more specific schedule, I'll probably update once or twice every other week instead. Since I basically do that anyway.

- Iris signing off.

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