²²² ʄıƖɛ ʂɱ852035

51 5 0

(Sources will be at the end of the chapter, and my opinion and evidence will be after this.)

ʄıƖɛ ʂɱ852035

File SM852035. It is a California police records file. Here's the general description of what the file lists, according to The Slenderman Files. 

Appearance ;

Tall, thin humanoid with indistinct features, with between 2 to 6 boneless armsTorso is of normal proportion, limbs lengthened to point of mild to severe deformity Additional arms are frequently hidden. Appears to be wearing a suit (black tie, black pants, black coat, black shoes, white shirt)

Eyes may or may not glow .


Habits and Habitat ;

Known to be predatory to humans. Frequently associated with fog (Either prefers foggy areas or capable of summoning it, unknown) Frequently associated with woodland areas  


Abilities ;

No combat encounters, data or projections on record Strong enough to lift a fully grown man (confirmed, incident SM165608)

Intelligence level unknown Capable of traveling long distances, quickly without appearing to become fatigued (anecdotal)

Possibly amphibious (tenuous, assume true) Capable of climbing with ease


ɱყ ơ℘ıŋıơŋ ;

So, I would say, that at first glance, this does look like a California police record. Although, I cannot find it on the California Public Police Records site, (Its dot.gov, I made sure im using a reputable website) I have searched up Slenderman, the file itself, and physically cannot find it. I also checked the wayback machine, nothing on said file, and nothing of interest on the website itself. So, I searched up the name on google, nothing but Slenderman websites. In my opinion, this file, was made by people that were trying to get kids creeped out, saying that Slenderman is real. (He probably is, but this article? Fake. fictional.) Unless the person that wrote this article somehow had access to private police records, this story is entirely fictional. 


ɱყ ʄıŋąƖ ơ℘ıŋıơŋ? ;The File is made up. It does not exist. 


ʂơųཞƈɛʂ ;

The Slenderman Files

Wayback machine



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