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There's screaming. And sobbing. I think I'm sitting up. My eyelids struggle to stay open, like there's concrete sitting on them. It takes a few moments, but my vision clears up. Bonnie is on the floor, and Elena sits with her in her lap, clearly distressed. The cafeteria is all but destroyed. Papers, shredded wood, busted lights. Stefan sits next to Elena, who's frantically shaking Bonnie, and gives her a sympathetic look.

It's one I've seen before, at a funeral. Bonnie is dead.

Maisie. Where's Maisie? What h"appened?" I groan. Elena gasps, and Stefan comes over to help me stand. "It's Alaric. Somehow, Klaus is in him. And Bonnie..she tried to...she tried to..." Elena breaks off into a fresh torrent. She looks so terribly miserable and grief stricken I cannot bear to look at her. Damon walks in at this moment, seeming torn between his gratitude that Elena and I are still alive, and his distraught that Bonnie is not. I feel numb, completely shocked.

"Get them out of here, Stefan. I'll handle it." Cold Damon is back. He reaches down to grab Bonnie's body, but Elena pushes him back. "Take care of it?! This is Bonnie!" A few more sobs. "Get them home, now. Little Gilbert took care of Sparky Junior." So Maisie is safe. I'm so relieved I nearly pass out again.  Stefan and Elena both loop arms around me, and reluctantly, leave Bonnie's body behind.


"Dad?" I ask, to diffuse the strange silence between my family. I'm at home, on the living room couch, but something is wrong. My dad is looking at the me, with raw concern. Elena and Stefan helped me into his car, where I promptly passed out again, and then I woke up at home. Maisie is here too. She sits on the opposite side of me, but she's staring at me like she's seeing a different person.

"Mia-" my dad's voice cracks. "Who-I mean,- why didn't you tell me?" He rushes out. But I only stare at him in blatant confusion. "What do you mean?" He takes a deep, heaving breath. "You healed in your sleep." I'm still confused. "When that vampire brought you here, I was ready to chase him off with a stake. But you were alive. You had a major cut on your abdomen. But, it healed up. Right in front of me."

"Who did you kill?" My train of thought derails. "What?!" My dad clutches my hand. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone. It's not your fault." And then it dawns on me. I feel sick. My dad thinks I've triggered the family curse, doesn't he? He thinks I'm healing because I'm a werewolf, but he doesn't know the miserable truth. That I'm a bloodsucking vampire, who'll outlive him and her entire family in a matter of decades.

Weakly, I take my hand from him. "Dad....I'm not a wolf." But he doesn't understand, I can see the gears turning in his head, trying to understand what I mean. "You're not? Then, how?" I rub my eyes, and my throat grows thick. I look up slowly, and allow my true face to show. Then open my mouth and let my fangs protrude. There aren't any words for the look on his face.

He yelps and jumps back. Maisie just looks in awe. My lip trembles. My dad is in complete disbelief, pacing and rubbing his eyes. Tears prick my eyes. He doesn't love me anymore. He's a werewolf, and I'm a vampire. Sworn enemies since the beginning of time. "Who did this to you?" He asks, without looking at me. "Katherine. She used Elijah's blood." The room is silent for a moment.

Then he shouts and throws a chair across the room, effectively breaking it against the wall. Maisie yelps and ducks down. "Dad stop!" I yell. He yells some more. "No! You don't understand! You were supposed to get older! There was a pack I'd been in contact with, and they were ready to take you both! This isn't happening..." he paces around."What the hell are you talking about? You're scaring Maisie!" I snap.

He sighs and rubs his temples. "I'm dying." The words stop me short, and I finally get up from the couch. "What?" I ask, weakly. He sits down, and covers his face with his hands. I crouch down in front of him, and gently move his hands. He has tears in his eyes, and his look of devastation is so severe, I feel like crying too. "About a year ago, I realized something was wrong with me. My transformations were becoming increasingly painful, moreso than they'd ever been. So I decided to get help."

Untold || E. Mikaelson Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora