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❝HEY NAYELI I HAVE a question ❞Emmett appeared beside her as she shut her locker she looked at him waiting for him to ask his question "Has Bella ever spoken about her accident with you or anyone"

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HEY NAYELI I HAVE a question ❞Emmett appeared beside her as she shut her locker she looked at him waiting for him to ask his question "Has Bella ever spoken about her accident with you or anyone"

Nayeli thought for a minute but shook her head"no she doesn't really speak about it it's weird how Edward got to her so fast I mean I saw him with my own eyes he was right next to his car than boom he was right there I'm surprised no one else is mentioning it"

Emmett laughed awkwardly"Edward was next to his car?, you sure?"

"positive you introduced me to them before the crash"She nodded her here sternly"why are you acting weird right now?"

"weird? I'm not acting weird"Emmett scoffed Nayeli stopped walking beside him

"Emmett don't lie to me I have an inkling on liars"Emmett raised his hand in a surrendering motion Nayeli decided to drop it and not say anything else on it

"I'll see you at lunch Nayeli"She nodded and emerged the classroom ready to tell Angela everything about her Saturday with Emmett

Nayeli and Emmett sat together in the library it was becoming quite clear that they weren't going to be going their friends or family for lunch

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Nayeli and Emmett sat together in the library it was becoming quite clear that they weren't going to be going their friends or family for lunch. Instead they'd be spending time with each other. Nayeli still couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to that accident and Edward than what anyone knew and part of her wondered if Bella thought the same thing.

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