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(A/N: I know I skipped a few things but I did it for good reasons.)

I was walking around, lost in thought. I saw Glenn and I walked to him to talk.

"Glenn, can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said, looking at me.

"Do you think it's too soon for me to love someone else?" I asked.

"I don't think so. It all depends on if you're ready to. Why?" He said.

"Because I have feelings for Rick." I said.

"How long have you had feelings for him?" He asked.

"Since a couple days ago. Some people thinks it's too soon after Shawns death. So it's making me think." I said.

"Don't think about it. If you feel like you're ready to love someone else, that's all that matters. I hadn't known Shawn that long but I know he'll be glad you're happy. And you liking Rick is good because he will never leave or hurt you in any kind of way. I trust Rick, especially with you. I see how he takes care of you and protects you. He watches out for you and I can tell that you act like yourself when you're with him." He said. "I'll support you both if guys get together. The only thing I ask is that he doesn't do anything to make unhappy. Because if he did, I'll beat the shit out of him." He said.

"Thank you Glenn." I said, smiling. "Maggie is lucky to have you. Just don't hurt her because she's like a sister to me." I said.

"I won't hurt her. I promise." He said, smiling.

"Good cause if you did, I'll beat your ass." I said.

"I'll make sure I don't hurt her." He said.

He went back to what he was doing and I went to the front gate and just stood there, looking into the distance. I heard something in the distance and it sounded like vehicles. I went inside with Glenn and joined everyone in the cell block. Michonne came back after Merle took her and when Daryl came back after looking for them, he told us that Merle was a walker when he found him. I wish he didn't have to go through that but I know he needs some space.

"Rick, come down here! I want to talk!" A man, I assume is the Governor, said.

We all went outside and to the gate. Rick went down and stopped at the gate at the bottom. They started talking and I saw them pull Michonne and Hershel out of a truck and made them go down on their knees next to the Governor.

"No." I said, quietly.

The next thing I knew, the Governor chopped Hershels head off with a sword.

"NOOOOO!!!" I shouted, tears coming out of my eyes.

Everyone started shooting and I was pulled away and taken into the cell block. There was an explosion which shook the building. I grabbed Madison while Tyreese and Carol grabbed Judith. I wanted to stay and wait for Rick but I couldn't. I was escaping with Tyreese, Lizzie, Mika and Carol when we were separated and I lost them. I kept running and running until I could see the prison in the distance. I held onto Madison and left, hoping everyone gets out alive.

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