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It's been a few weeks and Carl was up and walking again. I learned everyone's names of course. Andrea shot Daryl but luckily the bullet just grazed his head and he also had a wound in the side. He was in his tent resting since he didn't want to stay in the house. They were still looking for the little girl which I hope they can find her.

I was sitting on the tailgate of the truck when Shane walked up with the bag that had the guns. He started handing them out to everyone.

"What are you doing Shane?" I asked.

"I'm not going to stay here when that barn is full of walkers. It's not safe." Shane said.

"You realize what that's going to make Hershel do right? He's going to kick you all out and if not all of you, he'll just kick you out." I said.

"I don't care." He said. "Where the hell is Rick and Hershel?" He asked.

"They should've been back by now." Andrea said.

Shane then ran to the barn and we followed him. I saw Rick, Hershel and Jimmy came out of the woods with three more walkers. Shawn was next to me and he didn't look happy.

"What the hell are you doing?" Shane asked.

"Shane, just back off!" Rick shouted.

"Why do your people have guns?" Hershel asked.

"Are you kidding me? You see what you're holding onto?" Shane asked.

"I see who I'm holding onto." Hershel said.

"No you don't." Shane said.

"Shane, just let us do this and then we can talk." Rick said.

"What you want to talk about Rick? These things aren't sick. They're not people. They're dead. I'm not going to feel anything for them. Cause all they do is kill! These things right here killed Amy! They killed Otis! They're going to kill us!" Shane exclaimed.

"Shane, shut up!" Rick shouted.

"Hershel, let me ask you something. Would a living person survive this?" Shane asked, shooting the walker in the chest.

"No!" Rick shouted.

"Stop it!" I shouted.

"That's three rounds in the chest. Could someone who's alive walk away from that? Why is it still coming?" Shane said, shooting again. "That's the heart, the lungs. Why's it still coming?" He said, still shooting.

"Shane! Enough!" Rick shouted.

"Yeah, you're right. That is enough!" Shane said, killing the walker Hershel was holding onto. "Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone! Enough living next to a barn full of walkers! Enough. Rick, it isn't like how it was before! Now if you all want to survive, you got to fight for it! I'm talking about fight for it! Right here, right now!" He shouted.

Shane started opening the barn while Rick was trying to make Hershel take the snare pole. Shane then came and killed the walker Rick was holding onto, making him drop the snare pole. The barn was soon open and the walkers began to walk out.

"Son of a bitch." Shawn said, angry.

Shawn made me go next to Lori and began shooting the walkers. The walkers were soon gone and we thought it was the last one but we heard another pair of feet. A little girl walked out and a woman shouted, which it was Carol.

"Sophia? Sophia!" Carol shouted, running but Daryl stopped her.

That's her little girl. I felt tears in my eyes and Shawn turned to me and came over, pulling me against him. I then heard one last gunshot and I knew someone put her out of her misery.

"We've been combing those woods, risking our lives when she was here all along! You knew!" Shane shouted. "You knew and you kept it from us!" He shouted.

"We didn't know! Otis probably found her and put her in there before he died!" I shouted.

"That's bullshit! You really expect me to believe that?! Do I look like an idiot?!" Shane shouted, looking at me.

"She's telling the truth! She doesn't lie!" Shawn shouted, holding onto me tighter.

"Get him off my land!" Hershel shouted.

"Please. No." Rick said.

"Let me tell you something." Shane said, walking to Hershel.

"Don't touch him! Haven't you done enough?!" Maggie shouted.

"I mean it. Off my land." Hershel said, starting to walk away.

Shawn took me to the house and had me sit on the bench that was on the porch. I put my head on his shoulder, trying to hold the tears in. I then saw Rick coming up here with Hershel.

"Hershel we can't leave. My wife is pregnant." Rick said.

"I just want Shane to leave." Hershel said, walking into the house. Rick was at the steps and he looked down.

"I'm going to go inside real quick Willow." Shawn said.

"Alright." I said, not looking at him. He walked inside and I stood up and walked to Rick. "I heard what you told Hershel about your wife being pregnant. Hershel won't throw any of you out knowing that. You did all you could to talk Shane out of opening that barn and he knows that. It's just hard for him because his wife and stepson was in there. I knew it was dangerous keeping them in there but I couldn't bring myself to say anything because I need him for when I go into labor even though it's not until another eight months." I said.

"I wish I could've done better to keep Shane from opening it though." He said.

"I know but you did all you could Rick. We all know that. But I can tell that Shane is a hothead, I met people like him. I never got along with them and I don't get along with Shane either. But I'll talk to Hershel about letting you all stay." I said.

"Thank you Willow." He said, hugging me.

"I'll help you in any way I can Rick. You're my friend even if we didn't know each that long. I'll always be here for you. You know that." I said, hugging him back.

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