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I was down at the fence just sitting in the grass, thinking. I hugged my knees to my chest and looked at the sky.

"I miss you mom and dad. I wish you were still here with me. I wish you were able to meet your granddaughter, I know you would love her." I said. "I have a confession to make. I think I have feelings for Rick. I know I'm married to Shawn but I couldn't stop myself from getting these feelings for Rick. How do I stop these feelings? I love Shawn. He's Madison's father. I'm not going to act on these feelings but I feel guilty for them. Please help me figure out how to stop them." I said.

I heard footsteps on gravel and I turned to see Rick coming down the path. He stopped beside me and looked past the fence. I followed his eyes and saw a woman covered in blood but she didn't look like a walker. And she was carrying a basket of something. I stood up and stood next to Rick.

I saw blood on her leg and it looked like a wound. She covered it with her hand and winced.

"Rick, we have to help her. She's hurt." I said.

He opened the gate and she came inside but cautious. I don't blame her for being cautious, I would be too.

"I'll go let Hershel know." I said, running up to the prison.

I quickly entered the building and looked around for Hershel. I soon found him sitting on the steps, holding Judith.

"Hershel, Rick is bringing in a woman who's injured." I told him.

"Okay." Hershel said, handing Judith to Beth.

I walked out of the cell block and saw Rick lay the woman down on the floor. I slowly went closer but Rick stopped me.

"Don't get any closer Willow. We don't know her and don't know if we can trust her." Rick said.

"I know." I said.

The woman looked at me and stared straight into my eyes.

"I want her to treat my leg." The woman said.

Rick looked at me then back at her then back to me.

"Will you be willing to Willow?" Rick asked. "I'll stay close." He said.

"Uh yeah." I said, going towards the woman.

I crouched down and Rick handed me a pair of scissors and the medical supplies. I cut her pants where the wound was and started treating it by putting some alcohol on it then some Neosporin. When I finished, I wrapped her leg with a bandage.

"You guys might want to see this." Daryl said, behind us.

"Carl, grab the bags." Rick said. "We'll keep this safe and sound." He said, lifting up a katana.

We followed Daryl into the cell block and came up to a cell. Someone came into view and I teared up seeing who it was. It was Carol. She hugged Rick then hugged me.

"Thank god you're alive Carol. I was so worried." I said, beginning to cry. "I missed you so much." I said, hugging her tighter.

"I'm okay now Willow. I missed you too." She said, kissing my cheek.

She then saw Judith and she looked at Rick. No words had to be said for her to know what happened.

"I'm sorry." She said, hugging Rick.

She then held Judith and I left the cell block and went outside.

After a little while, I saw a few of the group putting things into one a vehicle.

"What's going on?" I asked, when I saw Daryl.

"A man called the governor took Maggie and Glenn. We're going to go get them back." Daryl told me.

"Please be careful. I don't want anything happening to any of you." I said. "Is it alright if I hug you? You know for good luck?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll allow you to hug me." He said, opening his arms.

I hugged him tightly like it would be the last hug I'll get from him. I pulled away and he went back to putting supplies into the car. I saw Rick and I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Be safe Rick." I said.

"I will." He said, hugging back.

I pulled away slightly and went on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. He then talked to Carl.

"Baby." Shawn said, coming up to me. "I'm going with them. I'm going to help bring them back." He said.

"Please be careful. I can't lose you Shawn and neither can Madison." I said, hugging him.

"I'll come back alive for you and our daughter." He said, hugging me tight.

He pulled away and kissed me before they left. I watched the car disappear and I went into the cell block. I picked up Madison and laid down on the bed with her on my chest.

"Daddy will be back later sweetheart." I said, rubbing her back gently.

My eyes began to close and I fell asleep with Madison on my chest.

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