Guilty Until Proven Innocent Part 2

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Grant's POV

I'm really hoping that Katrina just starts being honest. I want her to tell me the truth.

I called up my dad when I couldn't think of exactly how to handle this situation and he asked me if I remember how he handled a situation with me when I was a kid and I stole something from a neighbor. I lied about it and got in trouble. Dad had told me that if I told the truth things would be a lot easier for me. He grounded me basically until I told him the truth and then he wore me out. It only took me two months before I confessed. I'm hoping giving Katrina this punishment will help her tell me the truth.


Nobody's POV

First two weeks:

Katrina stays in her room, pretty much all the time. She is on school suspension so she isn't allowed to be out of her room during the day at all, but Grant does allow her to eat dinner with the family.

After first two weeks:

Katrina returns to school after two weeks and goes to classes and does everything she is expected to do. Tyler has been working hard to try to figure out how a vape pen could have ended up in her backpack, knowing that Katrina doesn't vape. He tried telling his dad this the first night, but it only got him in trouble and George telling him to mind his own business. Katrina is not talking to Grant and is doing everything that is asked of her and not giving any attitude.

At one month mark:

Grant goes into Katrina's room and asks if she would like to confess. She still insists that she is innocent and that the vape pen wasn't hers. Grant is frustrated but follows through on the punishment and tells her that the same grounding guidelines are in place as before, as soon as she confesses, she will get worn out but then she will be done with being grounded. Katrina is stubborn and will not confess, especially because she is indeed innocent.

At two months:

Katrina is still grounded, continues to follow all grounding rules. Grant approaches her again and asks about confessing, she tells him no and he punishes her and tells her that the same guidelines are in place.

At three months:

Tyler approaches Grant after he finds out about Katrina still being grounded for the vape pen. When Grant tells George, Tyler gets in trouble. Katrina continues to follow the grounding and doing everything she is told without being asked twice. At the end of the month, Grant asks her again, and Katrina is tempted to admit to something just get out of the punishment, but she realizes that that just shows her dad that she'll crack at anything if he gave her time. So she refuses again and the same punishment happens again...

At four months:

Tyler overhears some girls that have been caught numerous times with vape pens and cigarettes that they are glad that they were only caught twice, if they hadn't thought about placing the vape pen in Katrina's backpack the day before when their parents told them that the school was going to start doing searches and that there would be an assembly to discuss what this means the next day, they would have been caught three times and probably expelled by now. Tyler decides to put his phone on record and go up to the girls, in which they all have a crush on him. He engages in a conversation and asks about the vape pens. They admit to placing one in Katrina's backpack the day before and when asked why, they admit nobody would expect a prissy girl like her to have a vape pen. When Tyler takes out his phone and shows the girls that he recorded everything they are furious and try to take the phone, while trying to hold the phone over his head and out of one of the girls reach, he accidentally pushes another girl and just as that happens Principal Henderson walks around the corner.

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