"Oh I bet they wanted to improve your "flexibility" old man." Tony retorted from next to me, causing me to shake with silent laughter and roll my eyes. I could only imagine the looks on Steve and Clint's faces as Tony piped in with his two cents about who had the better moves. 

        "What's got your wand in a knot Legolas?" Tony added on to his previous statement to Steve as he pulled me closer into his side. I'm not surprised that Tony had more to say. He rarely let anyone have the last word, and poking fun at his teammates seemed to be one of the ways he showed he cared about them. 

        As much as I loved being surrounded by their laughter and good natured banter, I just wished that they were doing it somewhere where I wasn't trying to sleep. With every passing laugh and moment, I was being drawn more and more into the realm of the waking and away from the sweet oblivion that sleep provided. It didn't seem like Clint and Steve had any intentions of leaving any time soon, so with a quiet sigh, I resigned myself to the fact that my nap was going to be cut short.

        "I'll tell you what happened! Cap cheated in our fight. We said no super powers, and then he goes and does the splits! Which for your information, for any man to be capable of doing that, is in fact, a super power! But don't try and distract me from the real matter at hand Tony. The question we should all be asking, is what happened here?" Clint wasted no time throwing Steve under the bus. Nor for that matter did he hesitate to bring up my state of undress while wagging his eyebrows at Tony and I's curled up forms on my bed.

        With a groan, I lifted my head up off of Tony's chest and sent an annoyed glare in Clint's direction. Both him and Steve looked freshly showered. They both had damp hair and clothes that were sticking to their bodies in a way that had my mind screeching to a halt and conjuring up dirty thoughts about the both of them. I can only assume based on the previous conversation that they had decided to spar together after their respective run and Natasha supplied ass-kicking, before showering and heading up to my room. 

        The cheeky grin and wink Clint sent in my direction had me softening towards him and blushing like a schoolgirl. In turn, I smiled at him and let go of the slight annoyance that I held from my nap being disturbed. His boyish charm would let him get away with murder when he turned it on. Maybe that's why he worked for SHIELD? Not for his skills with a bow and arrow or knives, but because his charm literally let's him get away with murder. I would have to think about that more later. For right now, Steve's approaching figure was drawing my attention.

        "Is everything okay in here cookie? You're feeling alright?" Steve asked me as he walked over to the edge of my bed and knelt besides it. Quickly I grabbed the sheet and secured it more firmly to my body, before i turned onto my other side so that I could face him directly. Behind me I heard Tony let out a squawk of protest as I left him laying uncovered and bared to the world next to me. The smirk on my face as I met Steve's gaze must have been funny, because he chuckled under his breath as he laid one of his hands on my check so that he could rub his thumb tenderly along my cheekbone.

        From behind me I could hear Clint let out a disgusted groan before the sound of him turning around reached me. "Dude! For God's sake put some clothes on! If it weren't or the fact that we all have to occasionally shower and change in the same room for missions and after workouts, this would be very disturbing. As it is, no one wants to see your junk man, especially not me or Steve. We are not at that level of bro-dom yet, nor do we swing that way." 

        "I do!" I contributed to the conversation while I raised my hand like I was back in a classroom. With one of Steve's hands placed on my lower back, and the other holding my hand, he helped me sit up all while chuckling at my antics. I gave him a saucy grin and wink in thanks, before turning my attention back to Clint and Tony.

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