What is right

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Yes I was running away from him but did I just blurt that out? Oh no.

Sounding amuse, "and why were you running away from me Tordy?" He asks with laughter

"I - I was shocked, astounded and unprepared okay? I wasn't expecting you here and what you saw was an embarrassing situation me" I reply trying to look away from his piercing eyes that search deep within my soul.

"But I  thought I had made it clear I'll come find you to inquire about Nora, your bestfriend who knew me back then"

"Couldn't you do that through my sister? Like get my number, call or something then we can schedule for that?" I point out feeling frustrated and I don't even know why.

Was I frustrated at myself for lying to him about Nora or the fact that he's already involved with my sister. I can't tell

He moves closer to him and I could feel his expensive cologne through my breath. I take it in, feeling my lungs with its essence...him.

Hyperaware of the fact that there's something strong in there. Something I'm trying so hard to escape from.

"Yes I could but why do I get the impression that you don't like me? Was it an offense coming here like the gentleman I am, instead reaching out to you, through Mira? Tell me Tordy" He says

And it's the way he mentions my name that drives me insane. I can't think straight now.

"I'm sorry for giving you that impression okay? It's not what you think-"

"What is it then?" He questions and I meet his gaze."You don't like my guts"

I do and my Godd... his eyes.

"Like I said earlier, I wasn't expecting you. I'm kinda concerned...what if my sister walks in here and sees us. She might not get it and I don't want to arouse any negative suspicions"

"So it's about your sister right? Are we doing anything wrong?"


"But what? Why should you assume that? I'm not here because of you, I'm here because of Nora" He says

I feel hurt by what he said...yet that is what I needed to hear to snap out of any illusion.

"Sure. You're right." I reason

"Good. So now tell me how I can get in touch with her"

"Why are you so keen on getting to know her" I know it sounds silly

"Why do you ask? I thought I had made that clear... unless there's a problem"

"Yes. Yes there is" I quickly chip in

The plan is to prevent or delay their meeting.

"What is the problem?"

"She is currently unavailable at the moment. Busy with her wedding plans"

"Oh really!" He seems disappointed "She is getting married?"

"Yes."I reply with a smile

"How about getting me her phone number so I can reach out and congratulate her?"

"Um...that, I cannot do. Her fiance is extremely territorial and they're constantly together so.... but, I can give yours to her"

"Okay. Fair enough" He responds

He takes my phone, saves his number on it and immediately dial to get mine.

Such a smart move.

"Let her know I'd appreciate the opportunity to meet her as soon as possible"

"I will do so"

"Thanks Tordy. I'll take my leave then"


As he was about to go, "can I give you a hug before i leave?" He requests

I wasn't expecting that.

"You mean a goodbye hug?"

"No, a see you later hug. Since we're practically friends or family whichever way"

"Umm I guess you can?" Unsure on how to respond to that

He is hugging me briefly and I open myself up to receive it

Holding him in my arms and being in his embrace, I can feel him taking in a deep sharp breath and I can't express the immense emotions, passion radiating through me.

This is more than a mere 'see you later' hug

"You have no idea how crazy you drive me with your presence Tordy" He whispers in my ears, taking me off guard

He is getting hard down here and I'm wet in my panties

"This is insane," I try pulling back from him but he holds firmly me in place.

"Be kind enough to allow me calm down before you let go" He pleads

I oblige

"Hope you know this isn't right" I scold him Curtis

"Yes but I also don't know what is right anymore from the moment I saw you" He replies

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 12 ⏰

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