Unexpected visitors

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I will just admit to myself over and over again till it sinks in that I'm one of the many others who are unlucky when it comes to love.

All my life, I've fallen in love twice. But I placed more hope in the second...my relationship with Todd Meyers who is now my ex.

Now, I haven't fully recovered from last night's meeting with Luke who is now Curtis. Tossing over my bed, losing wink of sleep, the reality of his relationship with my sister dawning me. Tugging my heartstrings and making me wonder if I ever got over him after so many years apart.

I have managed to put myself together to work this morning shift at the Crystal Café since I'll be having evening lectures.
I do switch to the restaurant section when I don't have evening lecture at the San Francisco Uni.

Investing my energy on the customers present, serving them with smiles in hopes of getting my thoughts busy and productive.

My routine goes on smoothly for the better part of the morning as I didn't have to handle complicated customers until about two hours later, when my colleague Shannon directs my attention over the counter to see Todd approaching from the entrance.

Everyone at the Café knows about me and Todd, since his father is very popular. They also know about our infamous breakup that hit the news and all over social media.

My heart skips a beat as he lock eyes with mine.

The question keeps ringing over and over in my head.

'What the hell is he doing here?'.

One thing I hate is drawing unnecessary attention to myself as I like to keep to myself.

I hope for our sake and best interest that, he's not here to see me. There's nothing between us anymore.

Four months is enough for us to move on with our lives.

I turn to face the counter behind, paying more attention there to clean the spaces between them, a bid to ignore his presence as Shannon whispers to me..

"He's here"

She used to tease me with was our names. 'Todd with Tordy,  perfect match made in heaven, well howdy.' She'd greet in a sing-song manner whenever she sees us together.

"I know," I respond nonchalantly whiles cleaning up an area I've already cleaned

"To see you I guess" Shannon continues whispering loud enough to get my attention but before she walks away to attend other duties

I call out for her "Shan, can you please attend to him? As you can see I'm already busy" I plead silently

"Look! He already made it clear, he's here for you and you're busy cleaning the same surface over again. Girl! You better put on your big girl pants and face him. That's what you should do. You're on your own with this, I'm sorry" She replies leaving me to my own fate.

Feeling embarrassed, I make mental note to not depend on any work colleague to deal with my private issues. If only Nora was around.

I'm not strong. At least I try to be if only I can deal with situations without having to face them head on.

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