A blast from the past

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The venue was just so exquisite and sophisticated. I was dumbfounded and marveled at what my little sister has gotten herself into.

Even though I did my best to look -matched up- for the occasion, it didn't seem good enough with my peplum dress and high boots. I couldn't settle for my skinny jeans with crop top since I struggled a bit with my zipper.

However, I was impressed Mira outdid herself with her high fashion sense. After all, she is the birthday girl and I have to make sure she doesn't look intimidated, nothing short of someone who also looks like she belongs to the high class society.
That's what she wants.

Her best friend Raina was just a sweetheart when we met. Flipping her hair in the cool breeze of the evening.

"You failed to tell me you have a beautiful sister Mi, if I had known earlier, I would have hooked her up with my brother Kelvin. " She beams excitedly whiles grabbing my hand as we walk to take our seats.

I smile shyly.

Seeing about twenty or a little over. Which may include close friends and course mates of Mira and Raina, few relatives I presume were present enjoying the music, drinks and whatnot.

"Oh she's a nun. Ignore her." Mira replies distastefully with a joke and Raina chuckles .

I know she's already embarrassed by how I chose to look for her occasion. But I'm not bothered. If I should look my best, she'll feel jealous and think I'm stealing her thunder.

I've known my sister very well for the better part of her twenty-one years on earth, to see through her demeanor on everything.

Likewise, I'm not one keenly pressured to impress people -I barely know- and to act in a way that won't make me feel comfortable. The fact that I'm not dating anyone at the moment doesn't make me a nun.

"Nice meeting you too Raina, thank you for doing this for Mira. I really appreciate your efforts and hey I'm not a nun okay" I added the last bit whiles looking at Mira with a stern face.

She scrunches her nose and rolls her eyes."Whatever"

I feel odd as they had small talks about school and their boyfriends. I would've asked Nora, my one and only bestie to join us to keep my company this awkward night if only she didn't have a night shift at the hospital.

"Save all thanks and appreciation to Curtis. He was the brain behind this party. I'm sure he has taken much interest to go all out for Mira" Raina retorts courteously.

"Talking about Curtis, he isn't here yet?" Mira asks scanning her eyes all around the environs with expectations

"Oh he is going be a bit late though, you know duty calls and this whole handing over to him is taking most of his time since he has a lot of prepping to do. Let's have fun nonetheless"

Looking at down spirited Mira's face, her whole demeanor had changed.  She is really looking forward to having Curtis around.

"Uuh Okay" Mira unconvincing tone cuts through with a hint of disappointment.

"Oh come on, he's going to make it definitely. He wouldn't put in such efforts for without showing up to wish you a happy birthday at least" Raina assures her looking at me for some kind of morale support

"Yeah yeah..a gentleman always keeps his word and I'm sure he wouldn't miss this for anything even though I don't know him that much."

After spending about close to an hour partying, dancing, eating some dessert, drinking and yet contemplating whether or not they should cut the birthday cake in Curtis's absence, he calls Mira on phone.

"Hello baby, we're still waiting for you before we cut the cake" Mira's desperate plea for him to show up is clearly seen in brown eyes.

Honestly, these rich dudes don't really care how they throw their monies away if it will serve them a purpose and make up for their lack of social ethics such as showing up early for their girlfriend's birthday party.

My sister should brace herself up for any uncertainties as she has started dating one of them. I hope she has the tolerance level for who she has gotten herself involved with.

I begin to feel bad for her until her eyes lit up and a beautiful smiles finally creeps on her lips as she mouths "He's here, finally" before putting her cellphone down to approach an SUV -the latest model ever released-  that just arrived.

"I told you he wouldn't miss your day for anything in the world." Raina says and she joins her to meet Curtis

I get myself busy chatting with Nora since she's currently on a thirty-minute break and needed some rundown on the evening.

It's 11:55pm and I should really be cozied up on my bed for a good rest for my classes in the morning and part-time job as a waitress in the evening, if not that my sister's boyfriend just showed up.

Unbothered by the raucous going on upon the arrival of Curtis's car, I wanted to just vanish to my apartment immediately after Mira  cuts her cake, so she can spend the rest of the evening with her boyfriend who will be doing his job of making up for his lateness.

Two fingers snap in a rear vision on my phone's screen drawing my attention and I could easily identify it as Mira's based on the glassy acrylic manicured nude colour

Looking up to meet their gazes both Curtis, Mira and Raina. I blink repeatedly especially when my eyes fell on Curtis

"Wh-what?!" I stutter dropping my phone on the floor in utmost shock.

"I'm Curtis, nice meeting you Tordy" He says stretching out his hand for a shake with a cool smile

Looking lost at him "Um yeah yeah, same here" I say absentmindedly without taking his hand

"I'm still waiting for the hand shake to make your acquaintance before we proceed any further"

I quickly take his hand in mine like a flash as though I've come into contact with a hot coal, I withdraw within two seconds or less as though it burns.

Nervously, I tuck my brown hair behind my ear with shaky hands and bend to search for my phone.

"Here" Holding it up upon finding it, I had to make an excuse to leave the scene and catch some fresh air.

"Are you okay Sis?" Mira asks. She only calls me Sis whenever she's truly concerned.

"Oh why not. I was just about to make  a quick call before you chanced upon me" I say without passing a second  look to Curtis or Raina before making my way to the balcony upstairs. I do a fake-dial and immediately placed on my ear pretending to be on call with Nora.

Anything to escape from this place.

Luke Weiner is here and he's called Curtis. My childhood sweetheart and did he recognized me?

No. I may be  totally wrong.

Against yourself Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ