That hit a little too close to home, it's been a blessing to not being able to see the future or past, though they didn't like to admit that fact.

"Uh huh..." Fate said nervously and The Soulless One said softly "it's so strange that you have a twin however... but I won't question it. Best not to question the laws of nature, however, when you killed Star, it's possible some of him stuck to you little one, merged with you, and broke those laws imprinted in your brain, in other words, your free. Though it may not seem that way now."

"What." Fate said not at all understanding what they mean by that before rubbing their temples and saying "okay, why should I believe you-?" The Soulless One simply said "think to your behavior back when you had the little twins, you were sweet, understanding, caring, however after killing your twin... things were different in you, more grumpy, just like Star... it's a long shot, but it's possible that when he turned to dust some of him possibly merged with you little one, it seems your morals are untouched, however, him merging with you made you the first ever Fate to be free of a gods chains, a gift" Fate stared in confusion before shaking their head.

"I know for a fact I didn't merge with that murderer. He killed my friends-" Fate said in a cold tone and The Soulless One lets out a soft sigh "to protect you little one, they were plotting to kill you, and the way they planned...  would have worked. Star was scared and poisoned their wine, he tried to explain to you, but you were enraged and horrified that he'd kill fellow gods... and you locked him away, thinking he was a danger" Fate was silent staring in shock.

"What...?" she said in a shaky voice and they said "your internal rules broke for a moment of hearing someone out, overpowered by protectiveness over loved ones and rage, of course, being locked away for years with nothing but your thoughts and guilt's isn't good for anyone... and eventually Star forgot the whole reason why he did what he did, and he was filled with hatred and rage. Eventually a Moon came along and he set his plans into action, they failed in the end, but only because he realized and remembered why he poisoned the others, to protect you, and he realized he was doing the exact opposite of what he ever wanted to do, hurt you. So... out of shame, he just gave up, and let the twins win, he would have won if he hadn't made that realization little one..." Fate was silent, hand trembling slightly.

"He-he-" she stammered and they said softly "it's okay little one, the poor thing wanted to die anyway... having been stuck so long in chains" Fate was silent and they said "do not blame yourself... don't ever blame yourself, perhaps Star will awaken again, if I am correct and he merged with you. Though... chances are slim."

He-he poisoned my friends to- protect me?! Morals weren't... there in the right place... but- what-?! Fate was confused, scared even. Was this whole thing my fault?! "Little one, it wasn't your fault" the entity sat down, "it was never your fault, I saw what happened... with your family, and I want you to know that it wasn't your fault either..." Fate let out a shaky strangled breath as she felt tears fill her eye.

"YOU SAW?!" she shrieked, how the Lunar wasn't awake at this point... she had no idea. They sighed softly "I couldn't help, Lunar's too strong... even for me, but that wasn't your fault-" Fate hand trembled as they remembered yet again the terrible vision they had, long ago when they were still training the twins, they had seen Octavia's body on the floor for a split second. 

Fate had been so shaken and scared that they ended the training early, and like a moron, they refused to believe it and ignored it. "Little one... you're not a moron" it said "it is not your fault..." The truth is... Fate was already traumatized by their own power, even before that incident.

One moment, it was a normal evening, next they'd see something horrible, and they'd not know if it was from the past or future, they grew scared in their every waking moment of what they'd see.

None of the other gods understood, often joked about wanting to see the future or past or something. Fate would never wish that fate onto them. 

"Shh..." the entity said softly, pulling Fate close, despite her being so disoriented by this whole thing, she stiffened her body and they said softly "it's not your fault Fate... it was never your fault, every Fate I've known, which is one, but it's one more than I should have known... they struggled with their powers. The responsibilities, the people looking up to you and expecting you to be perfect, the pressure...  I knew them for a long time, and I met a nice fella who knew the one before the last Fate... he's dead now sadly... I miss him, but he said that that Fate struggled with the exact same thing." The Soulless One  grunted, body making soft tapping noises against the floor, "I often wonder if Fate's were cursed long ago... we'll never know however..."

Fate was silent staring at the floor, trying to process everything and they said softly "all I know is... this is your family now Fate... and protect them... the Lunar too... they are a nice soul, misled by Lunar's manipulation, they're scared and confused and trying to act tough through the pain... protect them... just as you protected the twins, okay...?"

All Fate could choke out was, "okay."

I hinted of this character coming, and ya'll now know more about Fate and Star! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D

I hinted of this character coming, and ya'll now know more about Fate and Star! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D

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I suck at shading, but here is some art I made, not my best work but whatever. Hope this chapter wasn't confusing in any way!

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