I text Maddie because I'm going to give her some space.

Me: My parents want
you to come over to
dinner my parents
said you had to come.

Maddie: yea of
course what time
should I be ready by.

Me: 5 o'clock.

Maddies coming great. I try to give her space but yet we're always together. Which reminds be we have to finish our project for ela. I have to mentally get ready for this. Maddie has to sit with me and my insane family for an hour or two. The last time I took Noah it has weird probably because my sister drools over him. Then my brother was talking to me and my parents where just staring at Noah like he was a kid off the side of the road I picked up. I just cant imagine what today's going to be like. Probably a big mess.


5 o'clock

I got ready in Alex and Matt's room.

My outfit

I walk out of Alex and Matt's room waiting for Maddie

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I walk out of Alex and Matt's room waiting for Maddie.

I think my jaw drops when I see her.

Her outfit

Her makeup is natural

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Her makeup is natural.

Her hair

She's beautiful

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She's beautiful.

"Lets go." I say.

We get into my car its about a 45 minute drive.

"Hey I want to know something."she says.


"Why do your parents want me to come to this."

"I actually have no clue."

"I wonder why."

"Thats what I'm trying to figure out."

We stay quiet for most of the ride over. When we got there she looked really nervous.

"You will be fine." I say.

"Ok." She says.

My sister and brother are at the table and my parents are no where in sight. Bad sign.

"Hey I'm Hailey." My sister says.

"Hi I'm Maddie." Maddie says.

"Oh I know my brothers say amazing things about you." Hailey says.

"Oh." Maddie says.

"Dont worry only good things. My brothers really like you." She whisper in Maddies ear just loud enough so I can hear.

"Oh finally your here." My dad says and comes out of nowhere.

"Ok let's eat." My mom says come towards us.

It was quite. So quite. My parents are never quite when people are over. Me, my brother, and sister all look at each other confused. Somethings off. Not at the table when we walked in, just appearing out of nowhere, and then not talking something off.

"Is it usually this quite?" Maddie asks.

"No, not usually." I say.

Maybe my parents are fighting. Wouldn't be the first time. But there never this quite it must have been bad.

"So Maddie we have a question for you." My mom says.

Oh no. This is going to be bad I can tell. Maybe they are going to upset her or  embarrass her or maybe even insult her. Oh God. They don't like me dating people who are not rich. There usually pick the girls when we go to a family avent and there always all over me. I never liked those girls there to rich and stuck up for me.

"What is it." Maddie says.

"Well we know that you and duke are dating..." my dad says.

My brother knows that we aren't because he when out with her so he turns his head towards me. I give him an 'I will tell you later.' Look.

"So we where wondering if you would marry him in a month or two."  My dad says.

I stop and look at them I'm going to kill them. Maddie chokes on her food and my brother and sister just sitting there shocked.

"Only because he's going to lose a bet if you don't. He bet that one of his boys would be married by the next two months and if not he loses his whole business." My mom explains.

Of course he did that.

"I will do it." Maddie says.

Wait what?!?!


This is your chapter its longer and better my brain is working now.

I hope you injoyed the chapter tell me how you liked it and shout out to


Read her most recent book its amazing and she's amazing and thank you for all the support.

I have my schedule figured out for this so the next part should be out around sometime on April 16th.

Thank you for reading don't forget to comment and vote and check out my other book stolen truth the next chapter will be out tomorrow.

Love y'all 💓

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