Chapter III - Classmates

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Corliss and Katelyn wander down a hallway, searching for Bella, whose full name is Isabella Sullivan.  She and Katelyn have been best friends almost their whole lives.

"I grew up in the town of Kastron, in Sorcerer Territory," Katelyn explains. "It's right next to a huge lake. One time, there was this huge monster that was eating all the fish in the lake. Of course, the fish was our main source of food. So, my dad, the mayor, called for help. And the Great Sorcerer Sullivan arrived to help."

"The Great Sorcerer Sullivan?" Corliss asks. "I've never heard of him."

"That's what he called himself," Katelyn tells Corliss. "He was raising his daughter all by himself, and he wasn't going to leave her home alone, so he brought her with him. He dropped her off at my house, and we played together while he went fight the monster."

"And that's how you met Isabella," Corliss says.

"We've been best friends ever since," Katelyn says, smiling. "As we've gotten older, though, Isabella's focus has shifted primarily to boys... she's always running after them.  That's probably where she is right now."

They come to an intersection in the hallway.  It splits into four separate paths.

"I don't think she's in here," Corliss says.

"You never know."  Katelyn looked down each of the hallways. "This place is huge. Bella? Bella, are you in here?" They hear a man clear his throat, and they turn around to see a tall older man, with dark gray hair. He wears a maroon coat, and a pair of glasses rests on the bridge of his nose.

"What might you two be doing here?" He asks.

"We were looking for a friend," Corliss explains.  The old man adjusts his glasses, and turns.  A blonde haired girl stands behind him.  Isabella.

"There you are!" Katelyn says, relieved.

"Yeah, you found me," Isabella says.  "I was looking for a bathroom.  This place is huge."  The man laughs.

"You'll get used to it," he assures them.  "Eventually, you'll know this place like the back of your hand.  I am Bahn, the librarian at the academy.  I hope to see you all there, studying for your exams."

"Yes, sir," Katelyn says.

"You should all return to the courtyard now," Bahn tells them. "It's nearly lunchtime."

They all begin heading back outside.

"Where were you, Bella?" Katelyn asks.

"I was looking for the bathroom, really!" Isabella answers. "I promise, I wasn't chasing after boys this time. So who's this?"

"This is Corliss," Katelyn says. "She's gonna be a student here, too." Corliss smiled at Isabella.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Corliss," Isabella tells her.

"It's nice to meet you, too," Corliss says back. They finally get back outside, and they see the garden.

"There it is," Bahn says. "Run along now. And don't go poking around olaces you're not supposed to be."

"Thank you, sir," Isabella tells Bahn. Bahn smiles, and walks away.  "Phew, I'm getting hungry."

"So am I," Katelyn agrees.  "Hopefully they bring us to the dining hall soon."  Out of the corner of her eye, Corliss catches a glimpse of a group of people, speaking with one another.

"Who's that?" Corliss asks, gesturing toward the group.  Katelyn and Isabella look.

"Probably the professors," Katelyn suggests.  "They look a lot older."  Corliss hears footsteps behind her, and she turns around.  She sees a woman with blonde hair, uncombed and reaching her neck.  Her brown eyes look into Corliss's.

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