Chapter II - Velin Achenrill Academy

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The town of Lorentia has existed for nearly the entire history of Aranthia. It survived the Great Aranthian War, although not without its scars. Just to the east of the town lies a monument, commemorating the lives of those lost in the Battle of Abbey Field. Every year, at the end of the Month of Ten, a festival takes place in Lorentia, where Aranthians visit the monument to remember their ancestors who fought for their freedom from fear.

Since the war, Lorentia has improved greatly. Lying just south of a prestigious academy certainly helps, but the town is also filled with a great number of merchants, many of whom own their own stores. Many Aranthians throughout the country travel to Lorentia whenever they need something.

The town is almost always busy, even at night, which doesn't make it easy to get a good night's rest. Many of the homes in Lorentia are situated to the south, splitting the town into halves, with the southern half being known as the Living District, while the northern half is known as the Gold District.

Rylos and Corliss, still on the cart, roll through the streets of the Gold District. Corliss looks around, as does Riko. Rylos looks over at them.

"That's right, you haven't been here much," Rylos remembers. Corliss looks back at her father.

"I haven't," Corliss says. "Only a few times, but when I was younger." She continues to look around.

"Well, I'll drop you off at the academy, then I'll go sell the vegetables," Rylos says. "Sounds good?"

"Sounds good," Corliss answers. She sees some other people her age, and wonders if they will be attending the academy as well. The cart continues rolling through the street, and they go up the hill leading to the academy. Soon, Corliss sees the entire castle, towering over her and the town of Lorentia.

"Look at that," Rylos says. "It seems bigger every time I come back." They admire the stone walls of the castle. They ride over the long bridge stretching across a chasm.

"I've never seen anything like it," Corliss says, continuing to admire the castle.

"Wanna know a secret?" Rylos asks. "Well, I'm sure it's not a secret anymore, but during the war, Lord Abbey filled the inside of this bridge with explosive powder. That way, if any Helvorians attempted to take the castle, he could light the powder, and blow up the bridge. He never used it, of course."

"So this bridge is a bomb?" Corliss asks. She seems visibly worried, and looks down.

"I'm sure they cleaned all the powder out," Rylos says, trying to comfort his daughter. In reality, he wasn't sure, but if he didn't say something, Corliss would never walk across the bridge ever again. They reach the end of the bridge, and they find themselves in a large courtyard, with the main entrance of the academy lying just before them. Many other families, with their own children are in this courtyard. People dress in the academy uniform also speak with the families, probably helping out the new students.

Corliss and Rylos get off the cart. Riko jumps from Corliss's arms, and walks alongside her. Corliss looks up at the academy walls, still awestruck.

"Hello there!" a voice says. Corliss and Rylos turn to see a young man with long blonde hair approaching. He wears the academy uniform. A gray button-up shirt with black pants. His shirt collar is orange, which signifies he is in the Knight class. Each class has their own color. The Arcanists are pink, the Gladiators are red, the Healers are blue, the Warriors are black, the Sorcerers are purple, the Nomads are yellow, and the Knights are, of course, orange.

"Hello," Rylos greets the young man. "You must be an older student." The boy nods.

"Sure am," He says. "Going on my fourth and final year. My name's Ayden Friedman."

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