"Sup, Steven" Amethyst called out as she wrangled a monster of her own, throwing it far over Pearl's head. Pearl struck her spear out gracefully, throwing the monsters back. She flung three away, one to Garnet and two to Onyx. Onyx bashed the heads of the monsters together before chasing down more, his arms outstretched. Garnet caught the monster Pearl threw to her and slammed it against her knee, punching more as they ran up to her. Monsters are seen running away from Onyx as he chases them with his ax raised far above his head. He hit some off of the walls and couch, knocking them down against the floor and jumping on them, slamming his elbow into their backs.

"Awesome!" Steven grinned.

"What are these things?" Steven muttered in amazement when one went running past him, away from Onyx. Pearl grunted.

"Sorry, Steven. We'll get these centipeetles out of your room." She lifted one up off the floor, wrapping her arms around it as it wriggled in her grip.

"I think they might've been trying to get into the temple." Onyx explained, stomping on one.

"Aw... You don't have to get rid of them... They're really cool!" Steven cooed, looking at the monster in Pearl's arms as it squirmed. He winced and flinched away as the monster spat out acid at his feet, burning a large hole in the hardwood. Onyx and Amethyst both threw a monster at the stony walls, causing them to screech and poof.

"Um, you guys.." Amethyst called, causing the others to look at her.

"These things don't have gems!" She yelled, sticking a finger in her nostril and turning to look over at Pearl and Steven. Onyx smacked at her hand in an attempt to get her finger out from her nose, only causing her to pull the finger out and jab it in his direction playfully, making him yelp.

"Prolly means the momma is 'round here." Onyx replied, chasing another down and getting away from a snickering Amethyst.

"We should probably find it before anyone gets hurt..." Pearl suggested.

"Ooh! Ooh! C-can I come!? Can I?! Can I?!?" Steven asked eagerly, looking up at Pearl hopefully.

"Steven.." Pearl called, making Steven turn towards her.

"Until you learn to control the powers in your gem, we'll take care of protecting humanity, okay?" Pearl said calmly, snapping the neck of the centipeetle she was holding and dropping it to the floor.

"Aw man..." Steven sulked before turning to the kitchen to see a centipeetle rummaging through the fridge.

"Hey! Not for you! Get!" Onyx shooed the monster away, chasing it into the range of Garnet so she could deal with it properly.

"Aw... they got into everything! Not cool!" Steven groaned, looking from the contents of the fridge to Garnet punching the monster across the house.

"No way...." Steven mumbled, looking back at the freezer that was filled with cookie cats.

"I-It can't be!" He reached into the freezer and pulled on out, looking down at the treat in amazement as Pearl closed the freezer door.

"Wha- where did you get these?! I thought they stopped making them!" Steven looked up at Pearl happily as Onyx grabbed a few from the freezer and ate them, stuffing the wrappers into his mane.

"Well, we heard that, too, and since they're your favorite.." Pearl explained with one hand on her hip.

"We went out and stole a bunch!" Amethyst yelled as she sat on the kitchen counter. Pearl grunted and glared at her, hands balled into fists by her sides.

"I went back and paid for them.." She grumbled, looking off to the side.

"The whole thing was my idea." Garnet said calmly as she unsummoned her gauntlets.

"It was everyone's idea." Amethyst corrected.

"Not really."

"All that matters is that Steven is happy."

"Onyx! Start me off with a beat!" Steven yelled, pointing to him. Onyx shrugged and began to clap his hands and stomp his foot, chuckling to himself.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh!! He's a frozen treat with an all new taste! 'Cause he came to this planet from outer space!" Pearl dropped her arms and looked away then back, clearly confused.

"A refugee of an interstellar war! But now he's at your local grocery store!" He sang as he made his way over to Garnet and Amethyst who just looked at eachother.

"Cookie Cat! He's a pet for your tummy! Cookie Cat! He's super duper yummy!"

"Cookie Cat! He left his family behind! Cookie Ca-a-a-a-a-a-t!!! Now available at Gergins off route 109." He mumbled the last part before everyone started chuckling. Garnet clapped proudly and Onyx snorted.

"I can't believe you did this! I'm gonna save these forever." He grinned as he looked from Pearl to the ice-cream.

"Right after I eat this one." He tore the corner of the packaging, taking out the frozen snack. Onyx ate another, slipping the plastic into the abyss of his mane, the area he slipped it in glowing red. He licked his chops and took a large bite of the ice cream.

"Hello, old friend" Steven giggled before biting the ear of the cat, scrunching up the wrapper and also putting it into Onyx's mane.

"Ooh! So good!" Steven smiled, tossing his head back as he chewed. Onyx's brow quirked up at a small flash of light off to his left. He looked down, seeing Steven's gem start to glow under his shirt.

"I like to eat the ears first!" Steven said, looking up at Onyx. The gems looked at each other, eyes widening at the glow that enveloped the room. Amethyst glanced at Garnet before turning back.

"Uh, Steven?"

"Wah? My gem!" He shouted, looking down at his naval and lifting up his shirt.

"Your weapon! Try and summon it!" Onyx yelled, eating the rest of the ice-cream quickly.

"I-I don't know how!" The glow began to recede.

"Aah!! It's fading!" He yelled worriedly, startling the gems.

"How do I make it come back!?" He asked, looking from gem to gem.

"Calm down, Steven." Pearl raised her hands up.

"Breath, don't force it." Steven bit his bottom lip and glanced around.

"Yeah, and try not to poop yourself either" Amethyst snickered.

"Yeah... Don't.. Don't do that" Onyx narrowed his eyes and stepped back a little. The glow of Steven's gem began to recede until it faded completely. They sighed and Steven slumped to the floor with a groan.

"I was really close that time" He sulked.

"Can one of you just explain how to summon a weapon?"

"Oh! I'll go first!" Pearl said in a sing-song voice, raising up her hand.

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