• Legolas's old fear [2/2] •

Start from the beginning

When suddenly Legolas woke up when he heard a strong noise outside

He looked at the windows to see what it was

Suddenly he saw a strong thunder outside and a heavy rain starting

Legolas screamed when suddenly another thunde hit

Legolas ran to his door and started to knock at the door pretty much and screamed for his father


The little elf was screaming to the top of his lungs in despair

Thranduil who immediatly heard his little one scream he ran to his son room

But when he tried to open the door it didn't work

It was locked...

Thranduil had totally forgot he had locked Legolas on his room alone

The problem is that he couldn't found the key back

Legolas was screaming so much at every thunder sound that his troat started to burn and he was crying and shaking badly

Legolas continued to knock at the door again and again for somebody to help him

Then Legolas stopped and lay on his room floor, curling up on himself and screaming out of panic

Screaming again and again, Legolas screamed so much and panic was overwelming so much that he couldn't breath correctly and his heartbeat were really high

Thranduil was all this time behind the door trying to open the door and to speak to his son but the little Legolas didn't heard him at all

Then suddenly Feren ran to the king

"My king! Is that the key you searching for??" Asked Feren showing a key in his hand

"Yes! Oh thank you so much Feren!!" Said Thranduil taking the key

Thranduil then fastly put the key in the door lock and unlocked it

When Thranduil oppened the door, Legolas was just behind

The little elf was shaking really much and was crying uncontrollably

Thranduil kneeled down beside Legolas who was laying on the floor

Thranduil took Legolas in his arms tightly

When Legolas saw is father he finnally stopped screaming but he was still panicking a lot and that didn't reassure Thranduil

"I'm here my little leaf! I'm here!"

"Legolas look at me, it's okay!" Said Thranduil trying to catch Legolas's attention

When Thranduil didn't saw Legolas calm down carried him to his room

Then Thranduil sat on his bed with Legolas on his arms still shaking and breathing heavily

When Legolas heard one really strong thunder he grab his father tightly and closed his eyes

"It's finished Legolas! It's okay!" Said Thranduil who was covering his son's ears to calm him down and protect him from the sound

When the thunderstrom was finished Legolas stayed on his father arms for some longs minutes before he started to calm down

When Thranduil saw that Legolas start to calm down he put him on the bed gently

"Are you okay little leaf?" Asked Thranduil worriedly

"Is it- is it really... over ada?" Asked Legolas with tears on his eyes

"Yes Legolas, it's over, i promise the thunder is not there anymore!" Said Thranduil wipping Legolas's tears


"What? What wrong?" Asked Thranduil

"Please... Never leave me alone again..."
Legolas said with a small voice

"I'm really sorry Legolas... I didn't mean to hurt you, i lost the key of your room that why i was taking so long... I never meant to leave you alone little leaf, please forgive me, i'm sorry... i'm never gonna leave you alone again, i'm here"
Said Thranduil hugging his son

"I forgive you ada! I love you..." Said Legolas hugging his father back

"I love you too my little leaf..."

When Thranduil put Legolas back to his room, Legolas suddenly grab Thranduil's hand

Thranduil turn to look at his son and kneeled in front of him

"What's wrong? Do you need anything?" Asked Thranduil to his son

"Ada? Can i- can i sleep with you tonight? Please..." Said the little elf

"Of course my little prince, come here"
Said Thranduil grabing his son's little hand to come to his room

When they arrived Thranduil closed the door behind them and little Legolas went to the bed and layed down

When Thranduil layed on the bed too, Legolas approach him and lay his head on his chest

Thranduil started singing a cute lullaby to Legolas, that his mother used to sing to him when he was a baby elf, and the song relaxed the little elf immediatly

Thranduil then put his arm around Legolas and kiss him on the forehead

"Sleep well Legolas, i love you more than anything, i'm here, you're not alone now" Said Thranduil when Legolas start falling asleep slowly

Then Thranduil fell asleep too with his son in his arms

And both father and son sleep well together, having eachother by their side

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