Chapter 7 - The Rails Laid

Start from the beginning

"If Sir Oka had been safe, would it have been acceptable for us no matter what happened!?"

Justide raised his voice again.

Not only him, but the majority present there were looking on with disdain.

The Kingdom of Esperanto, established with the aim of ensuring the survival of humanity, had relentlessly pursued the survival of the whole at the expense of individual happiness and lives. Driven by the obsession that unless they did so, humanity itself would perish, callous decisions were repeatedly made, and the citizens had come to accept treatment akin to the utmost rationality, like bees. In other words, it meant a thorough denial of individualism. While Kitamura's argument didn't entirely align with individualism, it was a strategy benefiting only a tiny fraction of the whole, contrary to the collective, and thus, conflicting with their values.

"If we had thought that it didn't matter, we would have just retrieved Sergeant Oka from above and withdrawn without delay. Then, your country, having lost its means of defense, would have been ravaged by the demonic beasts."

No one could argue further, but Lovisa continued speaking.

"Mr. Kitamura, please forgive me for my impudence. But could you consider a more lenient approach?"

"This is an internal matter of our country. We cannot condone any interference in our internal affairs, regardless of the country."

"Interference in internal affairs?"

Having no experience in dealing with other countries, they lacked the concept of sovereignty.

Kitamura explained the current state of international relations.

"...In other words, interference in internal affairs constitutes a serious violation of sovereignty and greatly affects friendly relations."

'If they just back down now, we won't have to do anything...'

The Japanese government had considered several measures, including the mobilization of the Special Tactics Deployment Unit for the assassination of Sergeant Oka, in case the engagement rejection failed. In such a scenario, they planned to publicly denounce the Kingdom of Esperanto and pressure them to hand over those who leaked information. In the worst case, they even considered replacing the leadership and making it a vassal state. As the only one informed of this here, Kitamura was desperate to prevent it from happening.

"...We understand your country's position. However, avoiding the engagement is not possible," Lovisa spoke up after a brief silence.

"Why is that?"

"Do you know about the Founder's Prophecy?"


"It contains a passage called the 'Chapter of Salvation,' which describes the recent incident. At the end, it says, 'The warrior of guidance shall take a maiden to heal his wounds, becoming a support for the prosperity of the kingdom.'"

Though this part was already known to the Japanese, they listened silently.

"The prophecy came true. The warrior from the sky, Mr. Oka, appeared, nursed by Saffine, and fought against the demonic army, and although it seemed they would be defeated, the demonic army was destroyed by your troops, which bore the sun."

Kitamura sensed a strong determination in Lovisa's passionate eyes.

"This must be fate. Mr. Oka and my daughter are destined to be partners and play a role in the prosperity of the kingdom. And that prosperity will surely bring good effects to your country as well."

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