sick - noaquie

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Set some point in Season 6 (closer to regionals)

Jaquie's POV:

I'm just stretching with the girls, waiting for Noah to start rehearsal. He still hasn't arrived yet, which is weird, as rehearsal starts at 9, and its 9:30, and he nearly always comes an hour earlier anyways to get extra practice in. 

"Are you sure Noah's coming today?" Richelle asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I say to Richelle. I know she wants to lead the team, and I don't want that happening. If anybody will be covering for Noah as dance captain, it's going to be me.

However, before I know it, I see a moderately tall, brunette boy walking in. Noah!

"Hi guys, sorry I'm late." Is all he says. I notice he doesn't seem himself... his face looks dull and pale and his voice is all croaky. He leads the warm up, and ends it pretty quickly.

"Is that all we're doing?" Summer asks.

"You guys can warm up more if you like, I need to head to the rest room so take five everyone." He responds, before making his way out of the studio.

"Noah!" I cry, chasing after him. He stops, and that's when I notice it. He is dark circles under his eyes, his nose is red and he overall just looks tired and weak. "You ok babe?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He replies, but then soon starts coughing really badly. I rub his back, which my dad always did to me and my sister Davis whenever we had a bad cough.

"Maybe take this hoodie off, it's hot out, and you're going to be dancing." I suggest.

"I feel really cold Jaquie, I'm going to keep it on." 

"You look sick No, you should go home." I say, holding his arm. "Your arm feels really warm, i think you might have a fever or-,"

"I'm fine Jaquie!" He exclaims, pushing me away gently. "Maybe I have a little headache, but regionals is right around the corner, I can't be missing rehearsal!"

"Okay, if you insist." I say, and I go back to stretching with the girls.

Noah's POV:

To tell you the truth, I feel really sick. But I hate when people baby me, and I know Jaquie would come take care of me. It may sound ungrateful, but being ill shows weakness. And I'm the dance captain of this team, I can't look weak. 

"Okay guys, back to work," I say to them as I walk back in after taking some medicine in the bathroom, hoping it'll get better. My head is in pain, my body's in pain and I can barely breathe because of my blocked nose. However, instead, I power through it and work through the dance with the team. 

"That was good guys," I say, before sitting on the bench. "If you guys can run through it full out, I want to be able to watch it." I say, and all of them nod. Being honest, I just want an excuse to rest my legs for a bit. How does dancing for 10 minutes drain me so much?

"Five six seven eight," They start dancing, and I just feel like resting my eyes for a few moments, and I can just make up the corrections for the dance.

five-10 minutes later

"Noah!" Emily says, and I suddenly wake up, the entire of a troupe, Emily and Michelle standing around me. Shit, I actually fell asleep. "What are you doing, you're supposed to be setting an example for the rest of the team!"

"Sorry, it won't happen again." I say, still half asleep.

"Ok, we accept your apology. Guys, Em and I want to see the entire routine cleaned and full out now." Michelle announces, and everyone walks over to their line placements. "That includes you Noah."

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