snapping hip syndrome pt 2

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This doesn't involve Richelle's injury, but I thought I'd use this title to show it's a continuation of the same story. It is set during S6:22 & S6:23

Noah's POV:

"It's all wrong. The ropes are too small, the dancers aren't focused, Henry and Summer are in love and I don't know what's going on with Richelle."

I vent out all my stress to Michelle and Emily. Between the team falling apart after Davis left and mistakes with props, I don't know if a troupe is ready for regionals, and we compete the day after tomorrow! 

"Okay Noah, take deep breaths," Michelle says. I try to, but how am I meant to when my mind is racing at 100 miles an hour? "I know a guy who has a dance prop store, and I'm sure he'll be able to supply us with last minute ropes. Emily will do what she does best and have a go at the dancers who are messing around, and you can work on choreographing."

"And Noah, I'm sure you can figure out what's going on with Richelle. After all, you have known her the longest." Emily adds, and Michelle agrees. But I'm not so sure about that. I still haven't forgotten about our conversation in the hospital, and I don't think our friendship will ever be the same as it once was.

I just simply nod. Michelle gives me a reassuring pat on the back, and I head out to studio A to continue helping the other dancers with the choreography.

"Richelle, stop marking it." I say to the small blonde, and she just nods, and looks down. She's going through something, her face looks dull and sullen, and she's still not giving it her all.

I wish she would open up to me.

Richelle's POV:

This season was going pretty good. My hip is as good as new, and my dancing has only been improving. Of course, Summer arrived and got crowned queen, but I am featured in the regionals ballet duet! But, right before regionals, my entire world came crashing down.

I'm trying to hold back the tears, and Noah keeps correcting me, rightfully so, I am dancing horribly. I just don't want to be here right now, dance reminds me of everything.

Part of me has no motivation to win regionals anymore.

*Time skip to after the escape room*

Noah's POV:

The team feels bonded now, but, there's still one problem I need to fix. Everyone grabs their stuff and heads off, as we all have a long evening of packing ahead of us. However, I have to stay behind, and if I don't it'll be too late to fix everything.

"You coming?" Jaquie asks, as since Davis left the next step, we usually walk home together. 

"Sorry babe, I have some dance captain stuff to get sorted. Love you though." 

I mean I'm not lying, it was my role as dance captain to sort this out. I don't tell Jaquie my true intentions - not because I have anything to hide from her - but she can get paranoid fast and jealous even faster. We have a lot of partnering in the group dances, and we need to avoid drama. 

"Hey Richelle," I say, and she turns back to look at me. I see how red her eyes are and the dark circles underneath them. She'd been crying.  

"Would you mind staying back for a second? I want to talk to you about something." I say.

"Um, sorry, but I kind of want to get home." 

She turns around and starts to quickly walk out of Shakes and Ladders. However, I'm not letting go of this so quickly. When Richelle spoke, she didn't give me the sassy tone that I got when I went to see her in the hospital. Her voice was, hurt. Broken...

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