mistake || michemily

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set at the beginning of season 6 when michemily work at shakes and ladders!!

Emily's POV:

I sit in the car with Michelle as we drive back to our apartment, in silence. Utter silence. We even turned the radio off because it started playing dance music which reminded us of what we lost...

Just a couple weeks ago, we were studio heads of an Internationals winning studio. And now, we're struggling to pay our bills with the hourly wage of the board game bistro downstairs of the studio. According to some of the dancers, we were some of the best studio heads the next step's seen in decades. Decades. However, 'were' is the key word. Long story short, we, I, allowed a dancer to dance on a injury, and the next second after she was hospitalized we were fired. I also fucked up the jobs of our two choreographers, who are now struggling for work, all because of me being ignorant. Visiting her before our shift today just made it sink in the mistake we, I, made. And it's made Michelle, the one person I care about more than anything (although I don't show it) be angry at me, it, it hurts. 

This mistake made me lose my job, my one true passion. And it may also cause me to lose the love of my life.

"Look, Mich, I'm sorry." I place my hand on her wrist, however, I get no response.

"Hello?" I say. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm trying to keep my eyes on the road," She snarls. "You know, I would hate having to pay for damaged car if I crashed, judging by the fact we can't afford running water, or, for anybody to get INJURED."

"How many times do I have to apologise!" I cry. "I have tried literally everything in my fucking power to make it up to you. We can't go back in time and change what happened to Richelle. Please, Michelle, I love you."

"Last time I checked, people don't hide things from people they love."

We fall in silence. I try and plead with her, but it fails every time. She ignores me everytime, before parking the car in the parking lot.

"Are you still going to ignore me!?" I angrily exclaim. "Your just same old same old aren't you Michelle, always holding grudges."

"Says the person who literally declared a grudge against me for just walking into studio a!" She argues.

"I have changed since then." I yell, before going quiet. "You know you're right Michelle. Someone shouldn't hide something from someone they love. But love is about forgiving. If me and Riley held grudges every time we had a fight, we'd end up losing our bond due to stupid ass arguments from over 10 years ago!"

"You haven't even made an effort to help out though. Unlike you, I haven't gone to college. I don't have a future outside of dance, and you didn't even tell Kate I didn't do anything, you didn't even fight for me Em!" I watch as Michelle gets teary eyed, and I soon feel droplets of water start to run down my face.

"You're clearly not going to move on are you?" I utter, fighting back the salty liquid. "Since you've not grown up one bit, I'm going to Riley's. You can stay here. We're taking a break."

I drop the house keys on the floor, before turning around and running off, letting my eyes cry out now. 

What am I going to do without Michelle?

Michelle's POV:

I stand alone in the parking lot, watching the blonde figure in the green shakes and ladders uniform get smaller and smaller, until eventually, she's gone.

I can't believe I lost her. My Em. My other half. My soulmate.

Don't get me wrong, I love her to pieces. And my career has never been more important to me than my relationships. But, what am I going to do now? I'm already on probation as a barista for spilling an entire carton of almond milk (that shit is expensive). Not to mention it's happened three times.

I'm just clumsy, okay?

I really want to run after Emily, but part of me wonders, does she deserve it? I know that it was an honest mistake of hers, but mistakes can make or break a lot of things.

This mistake has nearly broken my life.

I pick up the keys Emily dropped on the floor, and I see her fingerprint on the handle. I could have those fingers in my hand now, but we're not together anymore. I got to accept that. If she hides big things from me at work, who knows what she's hiding from me in our personal lives.

And to be honest, lately we have been arguing quite a bit. And it's not long before our arguments begin to escalate.


"Maybe Heather could also audition? She's really good - and experienced - she went to regionals!"

"Michelle, have you ever seen that girl do hip hop? and how do we know she's reliable?"

"Okay, I just find it a little unfair that only 3 of the girls get to audition. Shouldn't more get the chance. Like, hmm... Piper! Her brother is JAMES for goddamn sake, and I know she's capable of doing hip hop."

"If I thought Piper was capable, I would've chosen her. We both know she has a tendency to crack under pressure."

"What do you mea-,"

"I chose Zara, Jaquie and Richelle because they all are strong dancers and I know we can trust them."

"You chose them because they're from your team. It's just like the a troupe audition isn't it? You hate giving others who you don't want a chance."

"What the hell are you going on about? I am a perfectly fair studio head!"

"NO YOU'RE NOT. And I know you're not a fair person either. Remember when you didn't want me to audition because I was new, way back when? And I was literally the best dancer there!"

"Oh lord, stop using the same situation against me again and again! And I'm pretty sure at the time, me, Eldon and even James could take you."

"Um, no. Were you miss national soloist, TWICE? You only stepped onto that stage once, and you got injured!"

"Don't bring my injury into this!"

End of flashback

I don't remember how that argument ended, but I do remember the screams. However, these moments don't make me not want to be with Emily. Our moments together are magical; weather it be taking j troupers to some of their first competitions, or just simple movie and pizza nights. I don't want to never experience one of those again. 

I stand still for a few moments, just feeling the sensation of the tears running down my face. But then I realise.

There's one person who would understand what's going on.

Someone who was there for me when I needed them, but also, someone who really knows Emily.

who do you think Michelle will ask for help?

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