fouettes || ozzy & izzy

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Set after TNS win nationals in S8

Ozzy's POV:

I'm in the audience watching the next step's final routine, with Richelle's palm in mine. This is all I've ever dreamed of.

"Ozzy, Ozzy!" Richelle squeals, tapping me on my shoulder. I turn around to face her.

"What is it?"

"Quick, look at Izzy!" I immediate latch my eyes onto my little sibling, who's currently dancing their heart out on the nationals stage. I see them absolutely killing a set of fouettes, a move I know they've struggled with in the past, which makes it that much more satisfying when  they nail it. But more importantly, I see the wide smile on Izzy's face afterwards as they continue to dance with a troupe, which makes me so proud as an older brother.

We clap hysterically as they bow, and it reminds me of when I was at regionals with my team, and I loved the reactions of the crowd more than anything.

"And the winner, of the absolute dance nationals, is..."

Richelle and I are on the edges of our seats, and all I want is for the next step to take this competition, and I know they can.

"The next step!" 

I can't believe it, even though I knew we were going to win, it still feels surreal. Nationals champions? We haven't had that title in years, and a team MY sibling was on won it back. Me and Richelle jump out of our seats, clapping so much our hands start to hurt. 

"Ozzy," she says, and I look over at her. "I love you." She leans in, and I feel her lips meet mine. If you told me this would happen a few years ago, I would've never believed you, but now, I'm holding Richelle in my arms and I feel on top of the world.

"Come on, lets head to the wings!" I grab her and we run over to where the team is celebrating.

Izzy's POV:

I can't believe it. Me, a nationals champion! And not to mention I'm also a fouette champion! I've been trying this year to get out of my brother Ozzy's shadow, and I feel like I finally am.

"Izz," I hear a voice I'm very familiar with, and turn around and watch Ozzy run onto the stage. We hug, and despite our arguments, he always will be the most supportive person in my life.

"You were amazing!" He says, and my cheeks start to hurt from smiling so much. "Listen, I am so proud of you, you know that right?"

"I'm proud of you too," I reply, giggling. "I saw that sneaky kiss in the audience. You've finally pulled Richelle haven't you?"

He doesn't even nod, just gives an awkward smile, but I know that means "Yes I'm so happy!" in Ozzy language.

"Only took what, 3 years? Maybe even-,"

"Now now," Ozzy interrupts, and I giggle. "Maybe we should be talking about you Izzy, after all, last time I checked my team hasn't just been crowned the best in Canada."

"Haha, very funny," I reply, before we share one more hug. Oh how I want to hug everyone I know, dance my heart out, and scream because soon, I'll be dancing on an internationals stage!

If I could freeze this moment, I would. But I know I can't, so I'll just tease my brother for now.

i lowkey hate this, and it's also kinda short. i rly like sibling oneshots tho, so if anyone has any ideas for someone pls leave in the comments!

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