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Barbie's POV

"To the success of Nikki's new fashion brand!" I chuckled as I held up my glass of drink.


And then I sipped my drink.
Non-alcoholic drinks of course. We're not even 21 yet.
And even if I was, I won't ever be drinking. I don't hate my liver.

I took another sip from my chocolate milkshake.
No one can say no to chocolate though.
We were at a club, celebrating our win right after the final round.
We didn't even get the chance to change out of our clothes.
So I was still wearing the iconic black dress.

And to Ken's irritation, some guys in the club kept on staring at me.

"Speaking of success....I heard you're going to New York, Barbie," Patricia nudged at me teasingly.
I chuckled and nodded as I took another sip from my chocolate milkshake and shrugged.

"Well....yeah," I replied, "I mean now that my family isn't in any immediate danger, I think it's time that I go out there and explore other career options while I'm at it."
Not that I want to stop being a spy. I just want to see if there's anything else I could do.

Ken wrapped his arm around my shoulders and gave a supportive squeeze.
"This is a perfect also get away from all of the stressful stuff that has been happening all last year."

I nodded. "Yeah...and hopefully I won't be called for least until the end of the summer."

"Sounds all good," Renee started but then she placed her hands on the table and whispered quietly, "But what...... if...he...escapes?"
At that question I choked on my drink and started to cough.
Hopefully not.

I waved off the concern. "I don't think he would. My grandpa said that the security is too tight that he can't even think of escaping...let alone actually doing it."

Or I'm just trying to convince myself. His threat last time in the interrogation room still gives me chills.

"And...I3 and CIA are still hunting down his associates. It'll be a matter of time before they're all a cozy prison cell," Cassandra winked before taking another sip from her Watermelon Limeade.

At that we all laughed.
Just then some cool music were played.

"I love this song! Let's dance!" Nikki suggested before heading towards the dance floor.
I wasn't ready to dance really. So I decided to just watch our friends.

"Barbie," Ken called softly. I turned around and looked at him, waiting for him to continue. Which he did, "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah....why wouldn't I be?"
Ken raised an eyebrow questioningly.
I sighed. He can totally read me like an open book.

"Let me guess...despite every safety measure, you're scared that he may get out," he stated.
No use lying to him.
I nodded and closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I mean...Everything is finally normal. I can finally live as normally as possible," I started to explain, "But I'm still scared that he may come back and destroy everything...I worked so hard to build."

Ken squeezed my hand gently, causing me to look into his loving eyes.
"Barbie...we're in this together," he reassured me, "It's us against the whole world."

Right then, I spotted Daisy talking to the DJ. What is she doing?
The guy nodded and the song changed.

"This song is such a great song," Ken stated, "And it sounds familiar."
I nodded. "Tattoo by Loreen."

Barbie: In City of Love जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें