"Fashion disaster"

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Barbie's POV

So when they say "mother like daughter", they aren't joking.
I could now clearly see where exactly Jemma Stern got her attitude from.

During our mission six months ago, we didn't have time to really get to know the president and his family.
As soon as the mission began, things got really hectic.

Saying it was “hectic” was putting it too lightly.
Hectic didn't suffice.
From Patricia getting framed for the attempted assassination to the hell of the battle inside the Pentagon.....it was quite surprising how the I3 could keep it a secret.

But did saving her husband gain us any favor from her?
Absolutely no.

"Ugh! What are these rags you're wearing?" Laura Stern shouted at Patricia with her overbearingly high-pitched voice.

I cringed at the loud noise.
Her voice sounds like scratching at a blackboard with nails.

Patricia scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Clothes? What else?" she didn't mean to say it out loud for everyone to hear. But everyone heard what she said anyways.

Laura stomped her way towards the rest of us.
"And you! You look too fat! What are you? A cow?" she screeched while staring at me.

Did she just call me a “cow”? She seriously needs glasses.
"Excuse me?!" I scoffed and crossed my arms, glaring at her.

"You heard me," she taunted, "Maybe instead of shoving food down your throat, a diet could benefit you and your friends."

I laughed sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "I mean at least I don't look like skeletons from the museums," I smirked and winked, "I think visiting a doctor would totally benefit you, too."

At that every model there turned their attentions at me, giving me astonished looks.
Some were trying their best not to laugh.

Laura Stern turned red with anger. If she wasn't livid at Patricia's remark, she totally was now.

To top it all, Renee bursted out laughing. And right after, everyone else started to laugh as well.

Laura Stern clenched her fists. It took every bit of her self-control not to slap me in the face for embarrassing her.

Well....she started it.
She threw me another nasty glare before she walked up to Jemma.
I was expecting her to praise her daughter....or whatsoever.

"Yeah...No.....I am not wasting my time on you. You clearly gained a few more pounds."

I looked at the side to see Jemma. I frowned.
I didn't notice this before, but she looked thinner than the last time I saw her. And she looked....pale.

And another factor why I believed something was wrong was the fact that Jemma didn't try to ruin our mood.

Then Laura Stern looked at Cassandra and opened her mouth to criticize her and she grabbed at her wrist.
"Ugh! You are not made for this at all–"

However she was cut off by Cassandra grabbing at Laura's wrist too tightly, causing her to gasp.

"Don't touch me. Don't point your fingers at me. Don't even look at me," Cassandra ordered coldly while giving her an intimidating look....causing everyone else...except me and our friends....to shrink back at the cold tone.

However I wasn't surprised.
I was quite used to it.
That cold tone was the same one Auntie Zoe used whenever...anyone pissed her off. And it worked all the time.

Laura Stern looked terrified to say the least. She quickly walked away from her hurriedly, not bothering to even glance back.

Cassandra smirked smugly but then frowned upon seeing everyone was staring at her.

Barbie: In City of Love Where stories live. Discover now