Let the competition begin!

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Barbie's POV

"Are you sure about this, Barbie?" Cassandra asked me.
Currently, we were in the backstage room, getting ready for the show.

I nodded, despite the fact that I was equally worried about the mysterious letter in my room and what it actually meant.

"I say we tell my mother right away," Cassandra brought up, "I'm sure she can make sure, that this is taken care of."

I sighed and raised an eyebrow at her direction.
"I'm not sure this would solve anything. And besides, you hung up on her the last time you were talking to her."

Cassandra froze in her tracks and then she gulped nervously.
Then she closed her eyes and sighed.

"This is serious. I'm calling her right now. We need to get this settled," she exhaled deeply before she pulled her phone out of her pocket and started dialing a number.
I admit, I was nervous.

"Now you decided to call me. What in the world is going on?"

Cassandra grimaced but then she sighed.
"Yeah....I'll explain everything. I promise I did not come here for causing more trouble," she replied, "But this is a real emergency."

A couple moments passed.
"Hmm....yeah I am aware of that fashion show and whatnot. What's the emergency?"
I looked at Cassandra surprised.
How did she know about the fashion show contest?

"How did you...." Cassandra trailed off, probably wondering the same thing I was thinking of.

Zee sighed before continuing. "Other than the fact, that you didn't burn down anywhere so far, and there's a fashion show contest going on in Paris...it wasn't hard to guess," I blinked several times but she wasn't finished yet, "Besides, I called Patricia and she explained everything. But next time you're going to go on vacations like this, make sure you do tell me about it."

Wait...she wasn't mad?
Auntie Zee wasn't the type to like when someone's lying to them or when someone's hiding something important from her.
Unless....there was something else going on right now.

"Sure, I will," Cassandra smiled sheepishly and chuckled. But then she sobered up, "Barbie received a note...someone is threatening her. But we don't know who it is. But I do have a guess though."

A couple of minutes passed. I glanced at Cassandra worriedly, waiting for Auntie Zoe to give us some answer.

"He's still in prison...if that's what you're wondering. And we haven't gotten any suspicious activities from his associates and double-agents so far," she reassured us.
But I was still worried.
"I'm sensing a “but” here," I pointed out dryly and crossed my arms.

"I hate to be the bearer of the bad news, girls. But it seems like that seven months ago, Edward Sligo Johnson had escaped jail. And he disappeared...no one could track him yet."

The two of us gasped and froze in shock. Cassandra grew pale while clutching at her chest.

"Send me that note. Maybe we could find some clue on it," and with that she hang up.
Cassandra slumped on a chair while looking at the wall blankly.

I placed a hand on her shoulder, reassuringly.
Right then, the door opened and models rushed inside.
And then our friends joined us.

Cassandra stood up and straightened her posture and checked her dress and makeup.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, concerned. It wasn't everyday that you'd hear that the guy, who's your enemy and destroyed your life, escapes prison.

She nodded and offered me a smile. A forced smile.
"Yeah....I'm fine. We'll deal with that problem later. Right now, we gotta focus."

Barbie: In City of Love Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin