Chapter 24

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The next morning, Felix went to go check on Minho only to find that no one was in the guest room and that the window was wide open.

"Um, Chan!" Felix called down the stairs, unsure of what to do in this situation.

Chan came running up the stairs and into the guest room.


"What? He left." Chan sighed. He had a feeling that Minho would try and do this, but he wasn't sure. He knew he should've locked the windows.

"He's really desperate to see that Jisung kid." Felix pinched the bridge of his nose. He was extremely worried for Minho.

The boy hadn't gone to school for the last couple of days and even when the school tried to call his parents they said that they didn't know where the he'd gone, so a missing person was reported. The boys didn't want to turn him in though, they roughly knew his family troubles, it was easier to stay at Chan's anyway, even if Chan would get in trouble.

"I'm really worried about him Chan." the freckled boy turned to face the older, tears pricking at his eyes.

"I know, me too." Chan brought Felix into a hug, letting him cry onto his shoulder.


Minho ran as fast as he could with his weak body. He needed to get to Jisung. That would be his dying wish. To see Jisung one last time. He knew he was going die sooner or later and he wanted to spend his dying days with the boy. He knew his friends would come and see him in the ice rink again, he would say goodbye to them then.

After what felt like forever, he finally made it to the overgrown greenery and double doors. He used all his remaining strength to push the doors open and walk inside. He held the wall for support and dropped to the floor. His body was shaking and he could barely clench his hand into a fist.

"Jisung..." He called out weakly.

As if on cue, Jisung walked inside from the garden. He looked like he'd been crying, which he had, but it was less obvious because he was a ghost, so his eyes didn't go red and puffy, but Minho could tell. Minho could always tell.

"Min, oh my god." Jisung immediately ran over to where Minho sat and crouched down in front of him.

He cupped the older's face with his hands, tears welling in his eyes again at his state. He was pale, skinny and weak. He looked like death.

"Jisungie..." His voice was cracked and rough.

He brought his hand up and placed it on Jisung's cheek, massaging his cheekbone with his thumb although it felt like he was just brushing along the skin because of how weak he was.

"Jisungie...please kiss me..." Minho requested.

Jisung stared at him in shock.

"Please...p-please...k-kiss me." Minho was practically begging him now.

"Okay, okay baby." Jisung brushed some hair out of Minho's face.

Jisung leant in, closing his eyes softly as his lips brushed against Minho's chapped ones, their breaths mingled together. The younger gently closed the gap, moving his lips delicately against Minho's as if he was scared to hurt him. Minho kissed back lightly, holding Jisung's face. Their lips moved together in sync with Jisung taking the lead.

They broke away for air after a few seconds. Minho immediately fell into Jisung's embrace and the boy picked him up effortlessly as he was so light and carried him over to the bench, sitting him down and then letting him cuddle into his side.

Jisung couldn't even feel happiness when they kissed, he couldn't feel relief when Minho was back in his arms because the only feeling that engulfed him was fear. Fear for what would happen once Minho eventually passed, fear about the fact that they may never see each other, fear about the pain Minho was in.

His heart had been in pain more when Minho was away. It had gotten a lot worse. He didn't know why his heart hurt so much. He'd gotten shot there but why was it suddenly hurting when Minho showed up?

He brushed those thoughts aside for the moment. When Minho was feeling a little stronger tomorrow after having slept he'll try and talk about it.

He kissed the crown of Minho's head. "I'm sorry I can't save you my love. Have sweet dreams." He kissed his head one more time before laying his own head on top and trying to close his eyes to get some sleep, but that probably wouldn't even happen.

A//N: I'm backkk 🫶

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