Chapter 12

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"Minho, come here." Minho's mother was calling him over from the kitchen.

Ever since his dad came home, he's been wanting to get out the house more often, just to escape him.

"Yes mother." Minho walked over to the living room where his mother and father were gathered.

"Where have you been running off to these past few days?"

"Just hanging with friends." Minho shrugged, not wanting to give away too much about Jisung. He still doesn't know if his parents accept he's gay. They don't even know about it.

"Are you sure? You seem to be sneaking off more frequently. If it was just a friend, wouldn't you hang out with them as much as everyone else?" The problem with Minho's mother is that she was very smart. She knew what was going on, or at least she had a pretty strong idea, and it was making Minho nervous.

"Who is she?" His dad spoke up, a smirk on his face.


It's not a she. It's a he. But he's not even real. He's not even human. If he couldn't even tell his parents he was gay, how could he be expected to tell them he likes a dead person?

"Minho?" His mother called, fake concern lacing her voice.

"Hm? Oh, it's no one special." He said nonchalantly.

"I can tell when you're lying Minho. Come on, tell us who it is. I'm sure she's pretty."


"Maybe you could invite her over for dinner one day." His father interjected.


"Oh yes, that would be lovely. I'm sure she'll feel very welcome here."


"Yes and she-"

"Stop!" Minho snapped, "stop assuming things about me! You don't know anything about me!  It's not a girl!" After the words left his mouth, he immediately regretted it.

"What do you mean it's not a girl?" Minho's father stood up slowly.

"I-I mean-"

"Are you trying to tell us you're gay?!" His father was enraged.

Tears were forming in Minho's eyes, but he blinked them down.

His father pushed him violently, he was saying things, but Minho couldn't comprehend what they were. Fear washed over him as he ran from his father, hoping to escape before things become more physical.

He ran to his fathers office. It was the first door he saw that he knew had a lock.

He locked the door and sunk to the ground, tears slowly dripped out of his eyes.

He never cried.

But now here he was, on the floor of his fathers office, shaking.

All he wanted right now was Jisung.

He wanted to feel Jisung's arms around him.

He wanted to hear Jisung's voice telling him it's okay.

He wanted to feel his strangely comforting coldness.

He just wanted Jisung to be here with him.

But he couldn't be there. He can never be there.

He pushed his desire away and slowly rose from his position. He'd never been in his dads office. He was lucky it was even unlocked. However, he was going to use this moment to his advantage.

He opened the draws on the desk and desperately looked around for anything that he could use against his father.

As he was rummaging through the third draw, he stumbled upon a photograph.

It was folded so all that was showing was young minho with his arm around someone, smiling widely.

He unfolded the picture and gasped when he saw the boy standing with him.

It was Jisung.

Why was there a picture of him and Jisung in his dads office draw?

And why was it folded so Jisung was out of frame?

A loud banging on the door caused minho to jump. He quickly shoved the photograph in his pocket and closed the draws, making sure it looked like everything was were it had been before.

Much to his luck, the office had a window to the front of the house.

He didn't want to face his fathers anger, and so, he pushed open the window with much force and climbed out.

He ran quickly, as fast as his legs would take him, to the only place he felt truly safe.

With Jisung.

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