Chapter 9

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"You always talk about having to get home to your parents. What are they like?" Jisung pondered, his legs swayed gently as he sat on the bench.

Minho thought for a moment. Yes, the topic of his parents was a sensitive subject, but it's not like Jisung could really tell anyone. What would he do with that information? Minho decided that Jisung deserved to know what his family life was. He felt comfortable around the younger and had done ever since they first met.

"It's kind of a sensitive subject," Minho started, he was about to open his mouth again but he got cut off.

"Oh my god! Forget I ever asked!" Jisung looked at the older with panic in his eyes. He feared he'd had overstepped a boundary. This whole social thing was still new to him.

"No, no, it's okay, I want to tell you, I just wanted to warn you in case I...cry..." Minho looked down at his hands, slightly embarrassed that the subject of his parents would cause him to look so weak.

"It's okay to cry." Jisung comforted, he placed a hand on Minho's back.

Ever since they found out they could touch each other, Jisung had not only become emotionally clingy, but now, also physically. Not that Minho was complaining at all. He loved Jisung's touch, even if it was cold, he knew the intentions were warm.

"So, basically, you don't know this but when I was about sixteen, I got into an accident and lost my memory. I could recall some things of my past, but recent events just didn't stick and I didn't remember anything that had happened that day or even that month. I asked what the accident was, but no one ever told me." Minho frowned slightly. He'd never questioned why no one had ever told him, but now, he realizes that he probably should know since it affected his life so greatly.

"That's strange. Why didn't they tell you?" Jisung asked, a frown was also evident on his face.

"I don't know." They sat in silence for a moment, thinking about why Minho's parents would hide such a big deal from him.

"Um, anyway, that happened." The older broke the silence to carry on his story, "it's relevant because, after that incident, my dad ran away. I thought that maybe he had something to do with the incident, but, of course, I'll never know.

My dad was never really a father figure, I was scared of him, but my mum, she was a saint. I loved her with my whole heart, she always loved me, always found a way to take care of me and go to work at the same time. She worked so hard. I can only appreciate all she's done for me."

"Why do you speak in the past tense?" Jisung pondered.

"Sh-she died...and I got a step-mum."

"Oh, Minho." Jisung pulled the older into a tight embrace. He fully expected the boy to cry, but no tears fell.

"We don't have to talk about it anymore." Jisung reassured.

"I want to, but I don't think I can right now."

"Of course, I understand, it's a difficult subject. You did so well though."

They held each other for a while.

It was warm. Jisung never wanted to let go. He loved the warmth that radiated of the older. Every time they touched, it made him feel more alive and less invisible. He felt safe in Minho's arms, like they were keeping him from leaving. Like they were keeping him here because he needed him. That made Jisung happy. He didn't want to leave either. He wanted to stay with Minho and now that the possibility of seeing his friends was closer than ever, that desire to stay became stronger.

The boy knew that he couldn't control whether or not he goes to the afterlife, but the way it's going for him, he seems to be getting more human. There's more hope. Maybe he'll become visible again and be able to meet his friends.

That's when an idea came into his head.



"Do you think you could bring my friends here? Like to see if they'd be able to see me."

"Yeah, I guess, but, I think the rest of the group would want to come as well, like my friends. I can never get them to go away when it comes to your friends." He laughed.

"Yeah, that's perfectly fine. Just don't tell them I'm here because if they can't see me then you'll look insane."

"Of course." Minho ruffled Jisung's hair.

"Let's go ice skating, shall we?" Jisung only nodded excitedly and grabbed Minho's hand, pulling him up.

He was suddenly yanked forwards as they rushed towards the cupboard where Jisung's skates were. No matter how many times Jisung had gone skating, the idea never ceased to spark excitement within him.

Minho blushed and looked at their hands. They fit perfectly together.

He looked back up at Jisung who was busy trying to get the door open. Sometimes it got jammed.


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