Chapter 4

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"My father doesn't like you." The boy said, drying Jisung's hair.


"I don't know." A silence engulfed them. Jisung closed his eyes, comfortably letting the boy dry his hair.

"What does your dad do as a job?" Jisung broke the silence.

"I don't know. I don't think he's a good person though." The boy shuddered slightly at the thought of his dad doing bad things.

"Why don't you think he's good?"

"He scares me."

Jisung sat up, gasping for air. He frantically looked for Minho, but then realized he wasn't there. He curled into a ball.

'What's going on?' Jisung thought. He wanted to cry.

In the memory, he was a young boy, maybe ten or eleven.

'What did the boy mean? His dad didn't like me? He scared him? Who was this boy? I never see his face.'


"Where have you been these past few days?" Chan asked, concern lacing his voice.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act dumb with me. The new season starts soon and you've been ditching us a lot."

"It's personal." Was all Minho said. The others knew what Minho's home life was like and so decided to drop it.

"Let's practice, yeah? Maybe that will take your mind off things." Hyunjin suggested. Minho nodded in return, grabbing his stick and gliding onto the ice.

After a few games, they were all exhausted. Minho quickly changed and exited the building to find Jisung. This didn't go unnoticed by the others.

"Where is he running too?" Chan asked quietly.

"Let's follow him." Changbin said. They all agreed. Even though it was a complete invasion of his privacy, they decided that maybe it was for the best that they found out what was going on.


Minho pushed the door open and entered the abandoned ice rink.

"Jisung?" He called. Normally, Jisung was skating on the ice, but this time, he was no where to be seen.

Minho checked every room he could find. But he couldn't see him.

'Maybe he's finally made it to the afterlife.' He thought. Tears slowly welled up in his eyes. He put his hand over his mouth to try and suppress any sobs. He sunk down against the wall. Bringing his knees up to his chest, he buried his face in his legs. Shaking.

He had no idea the boy had this big of an affect on him until now. But he couldn't deny it. Jisung meant a lot to Minho, and he'd gotten attached.

The door creaked open and Minho's head sprung up, anticipating Jisung.

He was thoroughly disappointed when he found his friends standing in the doorway.

"Oh my god, Minho, are you okay?" Hyunjin ran to his side, attempting to hug him, but Minho only pushed him away. The only person he wanted a hug from right now was Jisung. But that was impossible.

"Leave me alone, please." He choked out.

"Not when you're like this!" Hyunjin protested.

"Why are you here?" He asked them.

"Could ask you the same thing." Changbin retorted.

"Guys, that doesn't matter right now. Give him some space." Chan dragged Hyunjin away from Minho.

"Thanks." Minho mouthed as they were leaving.

'If that was any other time, they would've caught me talking to him. They would've thought I was insane.' Minho let out a slow sigh of relief.

He picked himself off the floor and decided to write a note for Jisung if he ever comes back.

Hey, you weren't here today :(. Have you managed to get out. If so, well done. I'm proud of you. If you find this somehow and you haven't gone to the afterlife. Where were you? I miss you. I haven't been here a lot because of practice. The new seasons starting soon. I hope we meet again.


He stuck the note on the gate of the ice rink.

Maybe it's selfish, but Minho secretly hoped that Jisung hadn't found his way out and that he was still here. He wanted to see him again. And when he does go to the afterlife he wants to be the one who can send him off and be his last goodbye.

He doesn't know why.

But he has the overwhelming feeling to be Jisung's last.

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