Chapter 21

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Jisung barely slept anymore. He had dreams but they weren't pleasant, they weren't memories. They were full of suffering, Minho suffering. The boy suffering because of his father. It was slowly tearing Jisung apart and he didn't know what to do. Minho was dying and potentially in love with someone else.

But he never told Minho.

It was foolish to think he was ever in love with him though, Jisung was a ghost. You can't fall in love with a ghost, a dead person, that's simply against human nature.

It kept Jisung awake at night as well. Who does Minho love? Why couldn't he love him? Why? Why? Why?

It was selfish maybe. Trying to keep someone for yourself, only wanting their arms around you, only wanting their lips on yours, their hair in your fingers, their hand on yours. Jisung knew it. So he ignored it. He ignored the overwhelming feeling. He wanted to be Minho's.

However, he was also content with the thought that as long as Minho was happy, so was he. If that meant that Minho had to date someone else, then so be it. He couldn't control the boy, and he wasn't about to become someone who thinks that "if I can't have you no one can".

So he sat in his ice rink, Minho unconscious most of the time, and just played with the boys hair.

Which is how he was now, but this time, Minho was awake. He was feeling better and stronger today and he hadn't thrown up since yesterday. The petals stayed as just that, petals, no buds had been spat out of his mouth, or coughed from his throat, the disease was taking over slowly.

Jisung swung his legs back and forth while he watched Minho ice skate, the boy hadn't been in school since he'd run away from home, he had been reported missing.

He told his friends not to tell anyone he was gone and if he came to them, they had to keep it a secret.

He wanted to disappear his whole life. It was what he'd daydream about in class, and now he finally did it.

Occasionally he'd look through his friends' instagram. Everyone was talking about his sudden disappearance, asking them where he was. They'd posted about it to make it look realistic and that was all of their last posts. A message about him.

He didn't go on his phone much, however, because he mostly let Jisung use it to look at his long lost friends. It was heartbreaking to see the pain in his eyes, he wanted to speak with them again, but he couldn't. They couldn't see him.

Minho finished up his skating and walked off the rink, wiping his blades down and putting their covers on.

He was sweating a little and looked hot, even though he was still weak and pale.

"Ji, have you tried going further outside than the garden?" Minho asked curiously. He'd been thinking about it for a while.

"No I haven't. Should I try?" Jisung replied.

Minho told him he should and ushered him outside.

The sun radiated warmth over the grass which sparkled with morning dew drops.

Jisung began to walk, he kept walking and walking, he reached the point that was his limit before.

He'd never tried walking past this part.

He took a step forward and immediately collapsed, clutching his heart. His stupid heart. Always paining him.

Minho ran over to him and crouched on the floor. He knew what was happening, but this seemed worse.

He embraced Jisung in his arms and shuffled back a little to the 'safe zone'. Cradling the boy in his arms, he placed the palm of his hand on Jisung's heart.

Jisung's eyes were stinging with relentless tears, glittery against his cheeks in the daylight.

He curled up against Minho's chest, seeking pain relief.

"It's okay, it's okay baby." He whispered sweet nothings into the younger's ears.

"You're doing so good sweetheart, don't worry." He rocked them slowly, holding Jisung tighter.

He kissed his forehead softly, but then, he got an idea.

He partially lifted his hand, so the tips of his fingers graced the boys chest meaning Jisung wouldn't feel complete pain, just more than when he had his whole palm on there.

Minho leant down slowly and let his delicate lips grace the fabric covered skin before he fully pressed his lips against it.

He smiled as he felt Jisung's muscles physically relax, he melted into Minho's arms like chocolate in a mold.

Minho sighed and pulled his lips away, placing his hand back on top of the area.

Jisung let a soft smile grace his lips as though he wasn't just in immense pain moments before, the sunlight calmed him and provided warmth.

He looked towards the older.

'Just like Minho.'

A//N: I feel like this chapter was bad after I left for ages but I swear more things will happen.

Approximately 10 more chapters!! 🫶

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