Little growth

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At Taehyung's cabin..

Taehyung enter in his room carrying Twinkle. Jin and Jimin also entered along with him . Reya already left from there

Twinkle was resting her head on her father's shoulder. They took their seats.

" Ya grumpy man you should have told us that you're bringing Twinkle, we would have prepared something for her" Said Jin.

" Yes , we would have clear our schedules " this time Jimin said while looking at the almost sleeping baby.

Taehyung sigh and explain everything to them

" In that case you shouldn't have come office today. One day break won't harm any work and we are here to manage work"

" I know hyung but still it's my responsibility and you know well I never neglect my work. Besides I thought it will be better to take her with me , she'll get a new environment. " Taehyung said.

Jin and Jimin didn't say anything as they also agree with him.

Time Skip..

It's night time and the father-daughter duo just finished their dinner.

Now they both are sitting on their favorite chilling place ( balcony) where taehyung is sitting on the couch and put Twinkle on his chest . Twinkle is also laying there like a good girl. Since she woke up from sleep , she has been really quite. Taehyung was unsure about her behavior.

In the morning…..

Taehyung is roaming around his room carrying a crying Twinkle. She got fever and ever since she woke up , has been crying a lot.  Taehyung is panicking seeing her condition. Of course it's not worst but being a father he can't help but feel distress so he immediately called the doctor.

Soon the doctor came and started her check up.

30 minutes later....

" Mr Kim everything is alright and......"

" How can you say everything is fine ??? Look how she's crying and she also got fever suddenly " Taehyung cut off the doctor and spoke in a rough voice but the doctor didn't mind as he knows how much Taehyung love and care for Twinkle

" Calm down Mr Kim I understand your concern . Trust me she's fine .. it's w part of her growth." He said calming the raging father.

" Part of her growth?"

Taehyung was confused by doctor's words.

" Yes . Her teething has started that's why her gums are swelling and she's feeling pain . "

"She'll have teeth very soon? "

" Yes and get ready to get bitten by her bcz in the teething process babies feel sensation in their gums and look for something to bite. I suggest you to give her some soft toy or gummies to bite so that she won't feel much pain . And another thing, don't let her bite hard or cold stuffs they'll cause her more pain. "

Doctor explained him .

" Then what about her fever?"

" I already gave her syrup for that."

" Can't you give her medicine for the pain?" Taehyung asked being in concerned for his daughter

The doctor chuckled
" She's a very small baby so giving her too many medicines are not good. And teething is a process that every child has to go through. She have to bear it. "

After a few more instructions doctor left from there and now there was only Taehyung and sleeping Twinkle.

Taehyung laid beside her and stroke her head .

" That's why you were so cranky yesterday. Appa is sorry baby I should have known it. "
With a kiss on her forehead Taehyung also slept along with her as it was early morning.

Later the day....

Taehyung is talking to Jin on call and told him about baby's teething.

" What!!!??? My baby is growing teeths ? Take care of her tae and I'll come after office to meet her. That's why she was so moody"

" Yes hyung. My poor baby have to go through with this pain . I can't come office today, I need to be beside her."
Taehyung told him while patting Twinkle who was silently put her head on his chest .

" I would have disown you if you wanted to come office today. Take care of my little grandma " Jin said in a fake arrogant voice which made taehyung chuckle.

After talking with Jin Taehyung again focused on Twinkle and saw her looking at him with sleepy eyes.

" Did you saw how much they love you. You're so important for all of us .our little baby. " Taehyung and laughed at his own words

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