Maybe a new beginning

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Jimin pov....

I was in my home having my dinner but suddenly I got taehyung's call. I take the call but he wasn't speaking anything,! Guess there was some network issue so I called his assistant and what he told me , made me fall from chair 🌚.

Taehyung is in hospital!!!


As soon as he said that I didn't listen any further details and ran to the hospital which he told me
I just ran out my home in my pajamas😑 not caring about my messy  hairs, I hope he's fine , i didn't inform jin hyung since he's on a business trip .

Damn this traffic, bcz of rain some roads are blocked and now I'm stuck in jam

( Author: finally u got your jams🤣
Jimin: 😒 not so funny
Author: oh yeah😅 back to the Story)

After 2 hours finally I reached at the hospital. There I found taehyung's assistant percy. He told me everything and I was totally jungshook....

Taehyung adopted a child?

I really couldn't believe until percy took me to the children's ward where I saw taehyung holding a little newborn baby.
This scene really melt my heart , taehyung had a small smile on his face . I don't know why I feel this baby is gonna bring back our old taehyung.

Author pov. .....

Jimin was admiring the scene in front of him but soon brought back to reality when percy said

" This is the first time I'm seeing sir smiling"

Jimin " very soon he'll smile wholeheartedly , I can feel that"

They both were admiring new father daughter pair.

Time skip.......

Doctor " Mr kim I've checked her properly so don't worry you can take her to your home"

Taehyung " are you sure she won't have any problem?  I don't want to take any risk "

Doctor chuckled " Mr kim she's a healthy child and if you're still worried then you can just call me "

Taehyung  " hmm....ok then."

Taehyung left the doctor's room and sat beside jimin

Jimin "so what did the doctor said?"

Taehyung" I can take her with me . She's healthy "

Jimin " you'll take her to your house?"

Taehyung " of course! Where else I'll take her then??"

Jimin " I mean to say she's just a newborn , what will you do when she'll cry? When she'll be hungry?  and you don't know how to take care of a child, how'll you manage alone ?"

Taehyung " you're right and I thought about it but there's no other way . If I don't take her responsibility then they'll send her to orphanage and I won't let that happen."

Jimin " and you'll raise her?"

Taehyung became silent for a while. Jimin is right, it's not easy to raise her and taehyung is living alone for six years so the sudden arrival of a person in his life is definitely gonna be a big change

After a few moments silence he spoke

Taehyung "I'm ready for this, I see myself in her and she has no fault whatever happened to her. I want to be her shelter, I know I myself is broken but she's too innocent to endure the pain of being orphan. I feel a strong connection to her.... maybe this is a new chapter for me with.........

Daughter .

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